Heading off

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Lizzie POV

I felt a heavy weight on my stomach which woke me from my deep sleep. I though it was Nora but to my surprise it wasn't her. I opened my eyes and shrugged together in slight shock that chestnut was laying on me. But as I look to my right the sheets are empty and Nora is no where to be seen.

„WUFF." chestnut started to bark loud and I whined way to tired to react at all.

„Chestnut." I I yawed out and she started to jump on me.

„Okay okay I'm awake Heyy calm it my golden girl." she barked again and crawled up on me licking my face making me giggle.

„wow you really do get comfortable fast around others huh." she barked again as if she was answering me.

She jumped down from the bed and pushed her head into my hand that hung out from the bed.

„You want to be petted? I see. Come here. Let me get up first." I put the sheets over me because I was still naked and scratched her head and neck around her chocker.

„You like that huh?" I asked and she barked again.
I wanted to read what was on her little necklace that was attached to the collar and I smirked as I read „so you are mommy's good girl?? Hmm I see."
She barked again now running around herself.

I got up and put on my clothes from the night before that where spread all over the place.
As I finished getting my things together and putting them one I noticed that one shoe was missing.
I turned around and saw chestnut having my shoe in her mouth.

„hey give me my shoe." her tail moved exited around and I walked slow towards her so I could catch her but she started to back off slow.

„Be a Good Girl and give me my shoe okay. Please come on." I told her and she has moved further back but as I wanted to jump her she started to run away from me with my shoe in her mouth.

„HEY!! I NEED MY SHOE BACK!!" I ran after her and she ran downstairs. I followed her down fast and without noticing I ran into Nora and her smoothie splattered all over her blouse.

„I didn't see that coming but what the heck is going on that you had to run around in my house?"

„right mom said no running in the house when we aren't playing catch." chase added and I looked past Nora seeing chestnut on the porch letting the shoe go. This little brat.

„She stole my shoe!" I pointed out as I walked past Nora grabbing my now soaked shoe.

„chestnut what did I tell you? No shoe stealing anymore." she pointed towards chestnut and she whines while sitting down in an apologetic way.

„god I'm so sorry Nora. I didn't mean to spread the smoothie all over you." I apologized as I walked back and she shook her head.

„It's fine. I can still change. Here hold this." she pushed the empty cup into my hand and started to open her blouse revealing the hickeys I left on her but she hasn't pulled the blouse off of her shoulders because I gave her a glare.

„What? Can't I undress in front of my kids? They've seen me baked before." she fired back and I coughed lightly moving my eyes down to her belly to make her look down.

„Oh. Ohhh. Okay." she replied now remembering and blushing fast.

„Kids go and pack your bags if you haven't we will head out in a couple minutes."  she demanded in her mom tone and that was Puhh. A turn on..

„Okay mom." the kids ran up and now we where alone for a brief moment.

„Soo..." I mumbled and she minded my gaze.

„I should change my shirt. I'll be back. I made you a coffee it's in the kitchen." she distracted me as she took off her shirt. She walked past me and  i turned around seeing something that caught my eye that I haven't paid any attention to because I was so focused on banging her the other night.
It's a tattoo... a Medusa tattoo on her shoulder to be specific.

She disappeared and I stood here for a moment trying to comprehend how she kinda ignored the eye contact I was trying to creat with her. I walked Into the kitchen and grabbed the cup of coffee and as I tasted it I realized it's exactly how I used to drink mine.

„Okay kids put on your shoes and let's go. I need to set you off and Lizzie as well."
I heard Nora's steps and the kids one seeing how they try to be faster as if this a competition.
They are adorable.

„I wanna sit in the front!!"

„No I do!! Moom!!!" chase yelled out as they fought and Nora walked past me as I was leaned against the kitchen counter. Her hand stroked past my waist as she was reaching out for her cup as well.

„Neither of you will sit in the front. Lizzie will sit there. Now chop chop. I don't want you to be late." she replied as she walked past me again leaving behind a cloud of her perfume which made me weak.

We all walked out and got into Nora's car. As I looked into the review mirror I was able to see how she buckled her kids up which was cute to watch.

„You ready?" she asked me and I nod as I sipped on my coffee.

„Okay good.."

„Mom why was Lizzie here this night?" chase asked in a noisy way.

„Ehh..." she was in loss of words for a sec and I didn't know if I should say something wrong or not.

„just for a normal... sleepover." she answered as we where already driving on the highway.

„ohh I wanna have a sleepover too mom!"
Chase said in a euphoric way and I chuckled lightly because this was not a „kids type sleepover"
I felt Nora's short and intense glare as if she was trying to say „are you for real laughing now?"

„No sleepovers until I approve."

„And when will that happen?" chase asked.

„Never.." Nora mumbled so quiet that only I heard it and I couldn't hold my laugh back on how overprotective she is because she thinks of dirty sleepovers her kids will have instead of the kid friendly version.


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