Unwanted visitors

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Scar POV

„Heyy this is Lizzie here I'm probably busy right now try to call me again some time later or leave a message bye." Lizzie's mailbox got off again and I rubbed my eyes tiredly trying to call her for the 10th time or so.

„Liz hey it's me. I know things ended rough between us and we've both said some hurtful things. But you should really go and see Nora.
You both need closure and y'all need to talk some things out. I'll send you her Adress. Call me back please!" I messaged her and hung up laying down to fall asleep.

Narrator POV

„Liz hey it's me. I know things ended rough between us and we've both said some hurtful things. But you should really go and see Nora.
You both need closure and y'all need to talk some things out. I'll send you her Adress. Call me back please!"  Robbie closed the mailbox and deleted the missed calls that Lizzie got on her phone from scar.

„Babe who was that on my phone?" Lizzie asked as she was still in the bathroom.

„Just some spam mails babe that's all." he brushed it off and scrolled through scars and Lizzie's chat to look for the Adress that she send her.

„Babe. I need to rush for work they need me now." Robbie told her and she peaked her head through the bathroom.

„but you said you wanted to go and get breakfast together." she reminded him but he got up while grabbing his jacket and cap.

„I know. I'm sorry but it's pretty urgent. I need to take care of something and it can't wait. I'll make it up to you I promise." he told her one those empty hollow promises that have never been kept a promise in the first place.

„Fine. I'll be occupied for longer at work today.
I don't know how long it will takes me to finish the exams." she replied coldly and he hummed.

„Love ya ht stuff." he kissed her and walked off fast leaving his wife behind.

Nora POV

„Kids Are you both ready to head out?"
I yelled out as I was sipping on my second cup of coffee this morning.

„mom I can't find my homework!!" Quinn yelled out and placed my mug down.

„Mom where are my shoes??" Chase asked and I was already on my way up to help them out.

„Have you looked in your backpack already? Or on your desk?" I asked as I peaked my head through Quinn's bedroom door.

„I'll look thanks mom."

„And you my girl. Look under your desk! There they are!" I pointed out by only looking once into her room. They both are a little mess just like I am.

„Thanks mom." she smiled as she sat down on the ground putting on her shoes. Before I was able to say anything else the door bell rang and was surprised that someone was here at this time in the morning. Beth should be at work and scar didn't say anything about visiting now.

are you at my doorstep or did Lizzie decided to show up?" I texted scar quickly but there was no response. It's probably her.

„Stay here Kids I'll be back." I told them as I walked through the hallway down to open the door and I didn't know what came for me until I saw who was standing in my doorway.

I didn't move a single muscle as I froze on the spot not knowing how to response to his appearance.

„I thought you where dead!" he spat out as he took a step forward and I stepped back instantly.

„Turns out you where living your life in the shadows and you where still creeping in my wife's mind as if you didn't leave! Now Scarlett wants to bring you back to her and I have to step im between, because you bitch can't stay away from her." he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall making a case drop to the floor to let it shatter into pieces.

He pushed und pulled my head upwards against the wall until I was on my top toes trying to stay on the floor.

„Stop I-it! I-I didn't d-d-do any-thing." I pressed out as I felt how the air was leaving my body.
No matter what I did or say he didn't flinch as he was looking at me furious.

„MOM!!" I heard the kids scream from the side and as I looked my right they stood there on the staircase scared to death to see their mother in a situation like this.

Robbie let go instantly as he saw and heard my little ones and stepped back in shock.
I gasped for air and sank down the wall as my kids ran up to me to hug me.

„If I ever see or hear anything else from you, you will hear from me again. Stay away from her."
He threatened me once again like the psycho he is and left through the open door.

„Mom are you okay?" chase asked as she was crying from what she saw. I removed my hand from my neck as I was trying to make it feel better and grabbed my kids to hug them both.

„Mom will be okay alright. I-I'm fine I promise."
I told them as silent tears fell from my eyes.
They nestled there heads into my shoulders as I rubbed their heads hugging them tighter.

„Did you know him? Are we no longer safe here?"
Quinn asked scared as he looked outside through the door. My heart shatters as I realized that they think they aren't safe here anymore.

„I know him yes. He's a bad guy. But you both are safe alright! He won't hurt any of you."

„And what about you? Are you safe?" chase asked as I stroked the brown hair out of her face.

„I will be okay. Mommy will be fine. I just need to think of an solution."

„I don't wanna move away from here. This is our home." Quinn added and my tears didn't stop.
This really is our home and I'll defend it with my whole heart no matter what comes for me.

„We won't. Not for now."

„You need to put ice on this mom."
Chase placed her finger over my sore neck and I flinched taking in a sharp breath.

„I know... I'll be fine. Come on. Let's go to the locken room okay." and they got up to go as I followed them. They sat down on the couch and I walked up to the kitchen to get myself some frozen beans to put them on my neck.


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