Clearing the air pt.2

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Scar POV

It took Nora around 10 minutes until we heard footsteps coming from the staircase.
The house is beautifully decorated in a really cozy way just how I imagined. If I wouldn't see the kids drawings on the fridge or the little toys laying around you'd think that she'd be living alone.

„I'm sorry this took a while." I heard Nora speak up as she was pulling her hair up into a messy bun.

„It's alright. I could only imagine what you'd do to bring them to bed." I joked lightly and she smiled softly as she was starting to fold the used blankets on the couch.

„well no matter how tired they are, they always want a Lullaby or a good night story." she replied with a smile across her face that didn't fade.
I never pictured her as a mom, probably because I got to know her as a wild one and I sure think she still is, but being a mom fits her somehow perfectly.

„Your a great mom Nora." her eyes got teary and she sat down on the couch.

„You think so? You should have seen me a couple years ago. I was a mess and I still think I am."
She replied while leaning back having a look on her face as if she is daydreaming in old memories.

„I wish I could have experienced this journey with you. It would have been great to see you grow into a responsible young mother." I told her and she nod.

„Can I get you guys anything else to drink? Or do you want something for dinner?" she asked and Cobie and I shook our heads.

„No we're good thank you Nora. We got work tomorrow and I think it's for the better if we'd head out." I told her and she had a sad expression on her face.

„You both are more than welcome to stay here. I have a spare room. Y'all would have to share but I don't think that would be a problem." she joked and I feel like I saw a glimpse of the old Nora that used to be way lighter than now.

„Maybe on a weekend. I'd love to stay around it's really relaxing to be here. But we both have work tomorrow and it's a way down to the city."
I explained and she nod.

„I know. I wish I'd be able to live closer. I need to drive them for a while until I reach their preschool."
She replied visibly tiredly.

„you can come down to my place all the time. You know where I live if you need anything you are more then welcome as well." I added and she smiled gently.

„Thank you scar."

„Of course. What are friends for Hmm?" I rubbed her shoulder and she leaned onto my hand.

„this is not just a thank you for this offer. It's a way bigger thank you, for not being mad at me for what I did. I wish I could have changed what happened in the past. There is nothing more I wish for. I wish things would have been differently. I wanted you and Lizzie by my side more than anything."

„You have me now." I stroked her face and she was on the verge of crying.

„And I know you'll have Lizzie by your side as well." I told her and I don't know if I fully believe what I said but i had to say it for the sake of Nora.

„I don't think so. She probably hates me. Or else she would have been here as well. She clearly doesn't want to have me back in her life."

„Give here some time. I'll call her and let her know how things went. I won't tell her the things you said to me earlier because this is your story to tell but I'll let her know that you want to see her and at least talk it out."

„Scar it's for the better if she stays away from me.
I have to be honest I've talked to her when we met at the masked ball and to me it seemed like It is for the better if it stays this way. I will only hurt her more and I don't want that. I've hurt her enough already." she explained and my heart breaks hearing how much pain there is hidden in her voice.

Only you (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang