A crime scene

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Lizzie POV

„Liz?" I got up while turning around seeing Scar stand there with a devastated expression.
The scene she is witnessing is painted by horror.
Victors dead body on the ground a bit far behind me and blood smeared all over my body which isn't a mine.

„It all h-happened so fast I-." I breathed out and Scar pulled me in for a tight hug not wanting to let me go. She is giving me the comfort I need but yet I'm not comforted because I need it from Nora and I can't even tell if will ever be able to hug her again.

„It's okay." she whispered and my sobbing became stronger as my body started to weaken but she held me up.

„Babe they need to take her to the police station-."

„Not now cobs. Tell Lesley we will drive down there but she needs some time." I heard Scar hiss at Cobie but not in a negative way. She was just trying to keep me safe for a moment so I can let it out.

„No. I'll drive down with them. I need to do it eventually so why not now-." I told her as I separated myself from the hug I wanted to stay in.

„Lizzie you don't have to if you don't feel like it. Anyone who will try to rush you will lose their head." she told me protectively.

„I know. Thank you. But I want and need to. I need to clear this for Nora." I added as I sniffed my nose not wanting to cry again even though I have every right to.

„Do you have a lawyer? Or do you need me to get you one?" Cobie asked me trying to make sure if I'll be prepared for what will happen at the police station.

„I don't have one currently. I never really needed one until now." I told her and she nod taking her phone out.

„I'll handle it. Don't worry. Hey Ruby..." she reassured me as she was already on the phone waiting for someone to pick up the line. She walked away after stroking scars arm lightly making me think of Nora. Everything starts to remind me of her and she isn't even gone for so long.

„Misses Olsen? Do we need to go to the hospital to let you get checked out? This looks rough.."
The female cop pointed at my face where I was punched by Victor.

„No I'm fine thank you. Some ice and pain killers should do it and if it's not enough I'll go and let it get checked out thank you." I answered and she nod walking off.

„What happened Liz?" scar asked quietly after the cop walked away.

„I wanted to talk to Nora and I saw how she was packing bags for a trip. We then walked back into the house and after some time she heard something outside and it was him. They started to argue and things escalated." I explained and she nod staying quiet.

„Did you hurt him in any way?" she asked and I nod.

„Okay. Keep that for yourself. Don't tell the police anything unless you have the lawyer next to you okay. They might twist your words and suspect you as the murder." scar explained and I nod staying silent having nothing to say because I need to process everything.

„Lesley told me they are ready to leave."
Cobie walked up to us and we nod.

„Lizzie get into your car I will drive. Babe we will see each other at the station Alright." she gave her a kiss on the cheek and we all separated to our own cars.

„It was self defense." I spoke up after drove in silence for a while.

„Hmm?" she asked as she was focusing on the road and I was really quiet.

„She had no other option than to do it. Or else she would have been killed by him." I added and scar was driving silently.

„Did you see it?" she asked and I shook my head.

„I was in and out of consciousness from the punch that Victor gave me. So insider see everything. I just saw how they where punching each other and then he was laying over her throwing one hand after the other not stopping."

„He then grabbed a heavy rock and after that I just saw him lay on the ground. Nora crawled towards me and we thought he was dead. B-but she saw him and moved in front of me to cover me up from the bullets he shot." I told her feeling numb to the pain and things I saw. Something in me is still trying to figure everything out. It feels like the quite time before the storm breaks out.
My storm of emotions is still numb.

„I wish I would have known that this bastard was planning on killing her."

„You couldn't have changed anything. You would have been hurt too Scar. He was so focused on killing her. He even wasted his last bit of life to shoot her or me. He definitely wanted to let Nora suffer in any way possible."

„You will sleep at my place the following days okay?? I want you around me. I don't care if you want to be with Robbie or not." she demanded in a caring way and I staid silent for a bit before saying anything else.

„I will be next to Nora until she wakes up and even after that I won't leave her side. Robbie and I are... he's not at home right now anyway." I told her and she nod.

„Good that you came to sense. She needs you right now more than ever. But if you won't sleep in the hospital you will be at my place."

„Wait. What about Chase and Quinn? What do we tell them? Where are they?" I asked with a hint of panic behind my voice.

„They are sleeping at Beth's place right now. Beth doesn't know either we wanted her to get the rest she needs before she has to take care of the kids. It will be rough I don't know if she can do it."

„I can do it. Or we both can take care of them."
I offered and she shrugged her shoulders.

„I don't even know if they can stay at Beth's place.
If Nora didn't put a consent writing over the kids they will land in foster care family's until she wakes up. That's the system and we can't do anything about it. But I don't want them to land in a foster family. I will give my all to have them around us."
Scar explained and for the love of god I don't want the kids to be put into a foster care family.
They don't deserve this. Living in a strange environment and on top living in fear not knowing if their mother will wake up or not.


A/n: I think it's time to split the rest of the story into a third book. I'll work on it and try my best to
give you guys the book you deserve with all the ups and down!!  Thanks again for reading I can't thank you all enough <3

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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