Where should I start?

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Scar POV

„Who are you?" the boy asked as he stepped a bit further to cover up the girl a bit. I assume they are siblings.

The boy had blond hair and brown eyes while the girl had brown hair and green eyes. He was a bit taller than her and she looked a bit shy.
He seemed really protective. They look like five and four years old if I can guess right.

„Hii. We are old friends of Nora. Is she here?"
I don't know what to think about this. Are they her's? Are those Nora's kids?

„what are your names?" the boy asked while looking up. I looked to Cobie who was looking around the area and I kneeled down to the kids.

„I'm Scarlett but you can call me scar and this is Cobie." I pointed towards me and cobs and they smiled innocently.

„I'm Quinn and this is my sister Chase." he introduced himself politely and he stretched his hand out to shake mine which surprised me.

„Nice to meet you both. Can you guys bring me to Nora? I haven't seen her in a while and I missed her a lot." I told them honestly and he looked back at his sister waiting for her to nod and he turned back to me.

„Okay. She's in the backyard working. Chestnut come on." Quinn called after him and he walked up to Cobie and me sniffing us.

„Can I ask how old you two are?" I questioned as we started to walk into the house.

„We are twins and we are almost six years old."
Quinn Told me and this surprised me. Damn twins?

„Mom!!! We found old friends that missed you a lot." Quinn yelled out as we walked into the back yard.

Nora looked up shocked and she let her axe fall to the side because she was chopping wood. She had a blue denim jeans on with a white tang top that was a slightly covered in dirt at some spots. Her red flannel was tied up around her hip and her hair was loosely braided with some stains looking out.
It was silent for a good minute or two until she said anything.

„Kids why don't you go inside and get yourself some cookies." she offered as she kept her eyes on me as if she was seeing a ghost.

„Can we really have some?" Chase asked and Nora nod as she took the towel that was laying on the side table to wipe her face from the sweat.

„Of course honey. Put on the TV and get yourself some cookies. Two for you and for your brother. Go ahead... this... this will take some time."
Her voice died down at the end and they both ran up to her hugging her legs quick and ran past us into the house behind us.

I walked up to her as she was still standing there frozen on the spot. I looked at her closely and I fell into her arms hugging her so tight that she might not be able to catch a breath but I don't care about that now. All I want now is to realize that this isn't a dream. That I am not hallucinating or anything else.

This is real. She is real. She's alive.

„You gonna let me breath at some point?" she asked and I separated myself from her looking at her angry. I raised my hand and slapped her across the face with all I had hearing an echo of the impact that I created.

„Uhh that was harsh." I heard Cobies quiet comment in the back.

She was rubbing her face and looked back at me not saying anything at first.
„I deserved that." She mumbled.

„Hell yes you did." I fell back into her arms and now she hugged me back not letting go at first.

„You got so much to tell me. You have to fill me in on everything! I wanna know why you did what you did. I want to understand it and I want to know why and how you have kids and WITH WHO you had them? Tell me everything."
I demanded and she hummed into my shoulder.

„This could take a while you know." she informed me and I shrugged my shoulders as we separated.
I rubbed my tears away and she had a guilty expression on her face.

„I don't care how long this will take. I wanna know everything. I have time. I'll listen. I ain't going nowhere and neither are you." I replied and she rubbed my shoulders.

„Looks like you got some company with you." she looked past my shoulders and Cobie stepped a bit closer.

„I can go if you want to. I know we don't know each other so deeply but I'm Cobie. You probably remember me from the masked ball. Or not I don't know if you do but.. I can leave if you want to be alone with scar." she replied hectic and a gentle expression formed on Nora's face.

„It's fine. I can tell that you guys are important to one another. Besides. I need to know who your new lover is." she bumped me and I punched her arm.

„We aren't lovers. We are friends." I told her and she rolled her eyes.

„You might be able to lie to yourself but not to me scar. I know I need to wear glasses but I am not that blind." she explained and we both blushed.

„Anyways." she walked back grabbing the axe and she put it back into the small wooden cabinet to secure it.

„can I make you guys something to drink? Anything? Or are your guys hungry? Have you eaten yet?" she asked sounding like a mom.

„Some coffee would be great Nora." I answered for the both of us as Cobie nod in approval.

„I actually just made a hot pot not to long ago. Let's sit down on the veranda." she pointed out as we walked up to the house.

„milk and sugar for anyone?" she asked us.

„Milk for me thanks." I told her as I sat down on the bench that was at the table.

„Me too Thank you Nora." Cobie replied and sat down next to me.

„Nora. I don't wanna push you. But it's been years and I have been staying in the dark for way to long. What happened?" I asked laying my hand on hers to squeeze it tight letting her know that I am here and that it is okay to open up.

„Where should I start?" she asked and I looked her deep into the eyes.

„Why don't we start at your funeral?" I asked and she nod taking a deep breath.

A/n: hehe I'm honestly hyped for everything that comes next. I hope y'all feel the same

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love✌🏽❤️

Only you (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن