„There is always another option!!"

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Nora POV

„This bastard. I knew he was cruel but I didn't think he would take it this far." scar huffed out as she rubbed her eyes in frustration and anger.

„What are you gonna do now Nora?" Cobie asked clearly being the more calmer one of us three since she doesn't know him and she isn't really involved in this mess. Good for her.

„You won't like my idea." I fidget with my rings anxiously scared to let scar know.

„No. Not again. We just got you back." she realized quick and I was already hiding the tears that she couldn't hide.

„I wish there would be another option. But in my eyes there isn't. This is the only way I can be with my kids. I'm not gonna expose myself and go to the police because I know that they will lock me up for faking a death and having a fake identity." I reminded her but she shook her head in disagreement.

„Don't you see what you got yourself into because you ran away from your problems in the first place? They bounced back again and harder and they get even more complicated." she raised her voice lightly.

„I had no other option scar don't you get that-."

„There is always another option. You just take the easier one and that is running away. Are you a coward? Is this what your kids will think of you because at some point they will understand what is going on." She cut me off getting even angrier at me.

„I didn't come here to be screamed at. You don't have to remind me that I am a coward I already beat myself up about it every damn day." I yelled back now with this lump in my throat which makes my voice break. Her expression softens again and she doesn't look so tense anymore.

„I came here because I wanted to let you know. You think I want to do this? That I want to run away? If I would be on my own I'd face this shit but not like you I have kids now that need a mother out of jail. I have a huge responsibility that I will never get rid off. I can't risk putting them into the arms of my rapist." I fired back a the tears where already blurring my vision. A dreadful silence washed over us all as if we lost our words for a moment.

„I'm terrified and I don't wanna leave you all. I will always live in this fear that something will happen.
I-i didn't even want to do it in the first place. But... scar you have to let me do it. It's not like I'll vanish. I will just move away." I choked out and she stood up to walk around the kitchen island.
She grabbed my arm and pulled me into a big tight hug that made me break down completely.

„It's okay. I'm sorry. I didn't think of it in that way. I just don't want to lose my best friend again." she whispered as she stroked my head.

„I don't know how to tell Lizzie. This was already hard enough for me to tell you." I sobbed and she stroked my back.

„You will handle it." she mumbled and I smiled shortly.

„She will hate me. She probably already did when I faked my death in the first place. I don't want her to hate me."

„Oh I don't think she ever hated you. She could never." scar reassured me and I want to believe it but I can't. She will hate me when I walk alway like a coward again.

„We could order a hitman to remove your problem." Cobie mumbled quietly and I chuckled noticing how scar gives her girlfriend a glare that it's not appropriate.

„It's okay scar. Don't rip her head off." I stroked her shoulders and separated myself from the hug.

„As tenting as this sounds I could never live with dead people on my account. As much As i would love to have them dead I think karma will do it's work at some point. How do we say it? What goes around comes around and they will get it."
I told Cobie and she nod in defeat.

„Does Beth know?" scar asked and I nod.

„She was the one who told me about the pictures. She found them at my place when she got there."

„I mean does she know about your plan?"
She questioned further.

„She does. But she is not impressed either.  She says she will find another option but I'm not so optimistic about it." I told her while letting out a sigh.

„I mean I'm not impressed either. I'll try my best to find another way too. Babe didn't you say a while ago that you had a friend at the police? Maybe they could help?" scar asked as she looked over to Cobie and she nod.

„Oh yeah I do. I totally forgot. But what am I supposed to tell them?" Cobie asked as she started to look for her phone.

„Just some hypothetical questions you ain't gonna expose Nora in any way. Say you are interested in solving cases I don't know." scar wiggled with Hand around.

„Okay. I'll call her then."

„Her? You never told me it was a her!"
Scar added and I can see the jealousy in her expression. This conversation is taking a different turn now.

„Was I supposed to?" Cobie asked cluelessly and here we go.

Was I supposed to tell you? Heck yes you where supposed to tell me. I'm your girlfriend if you forgot about that."

„I-I'm sorry okay. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it." oh Cobie you definitely need to watch what you say...

„You just made a big deal out of it by not mentioning that it is a woman. Uh I bet she looks good in that uniform." I added and the both gave me a stern look.

„You are not really helping me Nora." Cobie added and I chuckled while grabbing myself a burger.

„I'm not helping anyone. I just love to see how you argue. It's cute."

„Do I need to put you back into your place?" scar told me with a raised brow and I raised my hands in defeat.

„sorry. I'll zip it." I answered and she nod.

„Y'know what. Let me just call her and invite her over so we can talk in a safe environment.. and you can be able to see that there isn't anything to worry about babe." Cobie dialed a number and called her.


„Please be nice to her." Cobie added as she waited for her police friend to pick up the line.

„I'll do my best but I can't Promise shit."
Scar mumbled and I couldn't hide my grin. It's adorable how jealous she is and I used to know her as the one that fucks around and doesn't care about jealousy at all.


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