Wine and tears

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Lizzie POV

Nora's words echoed in my mind as I made my way down so she would not notice how I eavesdropped on her bedtime conversation with Chase.

I can't stop thinking about what Nora said and how she explained herself perfectly. She wrapped her situation up in a story to make it understandable for Chase and she did it gracefully. I can't imagine the heartbreak she must've felt when her daughter asked her if she is happy.

„And here we go. I put the little rockers to sleep."
Nora slumbered herself down onto the couch and I was so lost in my thoughts ghat I didn't realize that she was here until she said something.

„You look exhausted." I pointed out and she nod while holding her eyes closed.

„I won't deny that. There isn't a day where I am not tired. Especially days where it goes up and down so much."

„You have these days often?" I asked keeping an close eye on Nora's figure and body language.

„Hmm more than I like to admit to be honest."
She mumbled tiredly and opened her eyes to take her glass of wine again.

„Do you want me to refill your glass?" Nora asked as she nod towards my glass.

„I'll go get the bottle you stay here. You are tired already." I demanded her and she only leaned back onto the couch.

„I know this might not be the right time to ask because I know that you are not just physically but also mentally exhausted but.."

„But?? Come on what it is?" Nora asked as I walked back with the bottle sitting down next to her now to have a chance to get closer to her.
She shifted her position and pulled her legs up now sitting kinda sideways to look better at me and so did I after refilling my glass.

„Did you ever thought of texting me? Or calling? Or showing up at my door? I don't know. I feel like I've meant something to you before you did what you did. Was I delusional?" I asked honestly and Nora scanned my face while staying silent. Before she said anything else she took a big sip of her wine.

„I did. Every day and night. I was really fighting that urge and it was eating me up so horribly. I even feel bad for my family. Even though they treated me like shit I feel like they don't deserve it either."
She answered but I still have questions that staid open.

„This was one of my biggest regrets." she added after she scanned my eyes trying to convince me that she means what she says.

„One of them? What where your others?" I asked carefully and she didn't even take her time to think about them.

„Not having you by my side during my pregnancy and while giving birth obviously. I wish I would have been able to share it with you or with scar."
She answered honestly and I hummed at her reply.

„I really wish I would have been able to witness this." I answered and she chuckled.

„What are you laughing at?" I asked and she shook her head.

„It's just I remember as if it was yesterday. How I begged for Beth to call you and get you or scar.
I pressed her hand so tight that she had to wear a bandage for weeks after." she told me and I was shocked on how strong she squeezed Beth's hand and that most definitely because of the pain.

„You begged to have me there?" I asked further and I caught her blushing in the dimmed lights.

„Hmm. Don't think the dirty way Olsen. I just needed you but I had to do it on my own. I know I had and still have Beth, but I wish i would have had more people around me." she replied and I hummed while taking another sip of my Glas.

„I'm just surprised that I don't see any physical change in your body. Like I always thought pregnancy will change someone completely but I just noticed two little things and there is nothing else new."

„Now I'm curious. What do you think is new on me? Besides you haven't seen me naked then cause there is a lot of change." she stated and I raised a brow being now even more curious about how she looks without anything on.

„I think your boobs got a big plumper. And your hips got a bit wider if I don't get it wrong. But please this is not any offensive way. Just something I've noticed." I told her and here is she again blushing and even biting her lip lightly.

„So you've been checking me out?? Olseeeenn."
She dragged my surname playfully out which made me laugh.

„No! I mean yes! Hold on. I mean kinda." I replied nervously and now I feel like I'm the one blushing.

„Just kidding. It's okay. I'll take it as a compliment if this is what you where trying to give me." oh I could give you more than this. Liz hold on! Back track a bit.

„Well at least I got plumper boobs. But not as plump as I remember yours." she wiggled with her finger in front of my boobs and I giggled at her answer.

„Thanks Nora." I replied while leaning onto my hand as I rested my arm on the couch.

„What are the others changes on your body if I may ask?" I questioned and she chucked her last bit of wine down as well.

„Scars. Lots of them. I got stretch marks on several spots and the biggest one is my Caesarean section scar." she replied whit a disappointing voice as if she isn't happy with how she looks.

„don't talk so low of yourself. These scars are beautiful."

„You haven't seen them how can you say that?"
She asked and I smiled softly.

„No matter what scars you will have on your body I still think it's the most beautiful one I've ever seen and no scar on your skin would change my mind.
Ever." I complemented her honestly and tears fell down her face.

„Hey why are you crying?"

„nothing. It's just that I am struggling for so long to accept the way I look. I can't even watch myself in the mirror for long and now... now that you say it it's just."

„Oh hun I'm so so sorry. I did not know how hard you struggled with it." I placed my hand on the right side of her face and stroked the tears away with my thumb. My body felt warm and so did hers and I don't know if it's because of the alcohol or because of something else.

„Thank you." she sobbed and I kept on stroking her face.

„Don't thank me for that. This is what I'm here for. To make you feel better." I leaned in further to look at her face closely and she leaned her hand into my palm to comfort herself even more.


A/n: heheh giving a cliffhanger again 😏😏
      A slow burn as requested

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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