Clearing the air

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Nora POV


„You know now that you've done this there will be no turning back to the life you used to have."
Beth told me as she was sitting in the car next to me. I looked outside through the tinted window seeing Lizzie and scar walk towards our car.

The devastating looks they had on their faces while leaving the graveyard will always stay in my head.
How they left an empty coffin behind. Just as empty As my heart is.

„I know." was all I said after starting the engine.

All I wanted to do was to jump into their arms and tell them that I'm fine. But I won't destroy their lives. Being selfish is healthy in some situations but this is a situation where I gotta act selfless and this is probably the biggest selfless act I've ever made.

(Flashback over)


„I know you might hate me for saying this. But I felt like I had to do this. I didn't see any other option.
I've talked with Beth about what happened and we hacked out a plan. It was waterproof and you actually should never find out about me being still alive. But I had to see you and Lizzie. These years where hell for me." I told her as I scratched my thumb along the scattered porcelain mug in my hands.

„Who made you do this? Because it sure can't be just a random decision to fake your own death."
She asked and I looked into the coffee in my hands seeing my own reflection In it. I can't even look at myself.

„Nora. You can tell me. I'm here to help you out because I feel like your past is still laying heavy on your shoulders." she encouraged me as she placed her hand on my thigh to squeeze it lightly.

„Victor.. h-he blackmailed me to get back with him because he saw Lizzie at my place. I knew everyone would believe him when he'd say anything. Lizzie would have lost her job, her license to teach who knows even jail. So he was the first reason for me to leave because I couldn't hold it up with him anymore." tears where beaming in my eyes as I think back to the time I had to be with him.

„Who was the second reason? Cause you said he was the first reason? Who else was blackmailing you?" she asked after everything sinked in.

„Robbie." came out of my lips in a whisper and scar placed her mug down leaning back in shock.

Her expression said enough. She looked so angry and sad probably because some old feelings started to foam up back into her mind.

„She is still with him isn't she?" I asked her rhetorically because I feel like I know the answer already.

„Unfortunately yes." scar mumbled as she rubbed her eyes in tiredness.

„When did that even happen? You haven't seen him that often?" she asked confused.

„At their wedding actually. The audacity he had.
I wanted to punch him so bad about the things he said but I didn't want to draw any attention towards me and it was Lizzie's big day. I couldn't bring myself to do it."

„I know. You're to selfless Nora."

„I won't get rid of this habit so fast scar."
I joked lightly and she smiled tiredly.

„I need to know something else."
She stated and I nod.

„I know the kids are yours. But.. who are they from?" her voice died down and I looked into the big window that begrub scar where I was able to see Quinn and Chase sitting on the sofa cuddled up watching Tom and Jerry.

„I think you know the answer but I believe you don't wanna realize it." I told her while still looking towards my little toodles.

„Please Nora don't tell me who I think it-."

„Their Victors.." I whispered in pain and scars face where filled with tears just as mine.
She staid quiet and looked down onto her mug not wanting to look me in the eyes at first.

„I-I didn't want Them at first. I didn't want to get pregnant not from him not in this way. You probably think why didn't you aborted them or why didn't you give them away for adoption. I can tell you that it was to late for abortion. I didn't realize it so early and I thought about adoption but then I thought back to my childhood and what I had to endure all this time. I swore to myself that if I'd ever have kids I will be the best mom they will ever have. The mom i didn't get to have when I needed her the most I still feel like I do need her but I will never have her so I'll try my best to be the mom I wished I had." I added as I was breaking down in front of her even though I didn't want to.
My tears didn't stop and my sobs became louder and louder with every failed breath I took.

„Mom what is wrong? Why are you crying?"
Chase ran up to me and she climbed up to sit on my lap. I hugged her tight and stroked her head starting to calm down as scar touched my thigh from under the table.

„Nothing honey. I just feel a bit sad that's all hmm."
I separated myself from her and stroked the hair out of her face. She took her sleeve and rubbed my tears away which made me chuckle.

„Where is your bother?" I asked looking around.

„He fell asleep on the couch."

„And you aren't tired?" I asked but she nod.

„I am but I can't find mister Rogers." she mentioned the plushy bear she has. She never goes to sleep without it.

„Have you looked under your bed?" I asked and she shook her head.

„You know I'm scared of the monsters under my bed. What if they stole mister Rogers from me?"
She asked anxious and I smiled faintly at her.

„Okay. I'll go and look. Guys I'll bring the kids to bed. You can go in and sit down in the living room. It'll be a cold night." I told scar and Cobie and they got up taking the mugs and coffee pot to walk in.

A/n: Stay tuned<3

Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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