Bathroom breakdown

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Lizzie POV

My mind drifts away as we drive into a forest that was already covered in brown, yellow and orange colors. The drive through was a bit long but it looked beautiful and scar held right in front of a brown house. Everywhere you look you can see everything covered in leafs.

Scar and I got out immediately and as much as I'd love to look around and get to know this place something tells me there is an emergency at her place and we need to handle this first.

„Chase?? Quinn? It's me scar!! Where are you?" Scar asked as she walked through the open door.
I followed silently taking in every single detail of her house that represents Nora perfectly.

„Scarlett!!" I stopped behind her hearing kids and shock froze my body completely.

„Heyy. Are you both okay? Where is she?" scar asked as she knelled down to hug them.
They look adorable and I can tell that those are her kids.

Nora has kids..

„She's upstairs. She won't let us in. Can you try it?"
The boy asked and scar separated herself from them.

„can you please go look after her?" scar asked as she looked up to me in a concerning way.
I get that she doesn't want to leave the kids alone but I don't think I should go up there and I don't think that I am the one she expects to see.

„Please." she ripped me out of my thoughts and I nod briefly placing my bag down and going up not even knowing where she is.

But the faint sobbing that has been ripped and buried into my mind crawled back up again and I noticed a closed door on my left. I don't know for how long I stood there listening to her crying because I still can't believe that she is on the other side of the door.
My mind tells me this is a dream but I know it's real and I know that these faint sobs of her's aren't just a hidden memory.

I put myself back together and knocked lightly probably so quiet that she won't even hear them cause her own sobs are louder. But the sobbing stopped and there was a sniffing sound which means that she heard my knocking.

„Nora? It's me." now the nose sniffing even stopped as if she just lost consciousness. Complete silence and I feel like time froze.

„L-Lizzie?" I heard her say my name after such a long time and her voice was sore and chocked up.

„Can you open the door and let me in?"
I asked as i placed my flat hand onto the wooden door.

„I-I can't." she whispered and my head plumped against the door.

„Please. Your kids and scar are worried.." I told her and there was silence.

„And I do too." I added because I feel like she needs to hear it from me as well.. I heard rustling on the other side. The door clicked open and it's now unlocked.

I opened the door sliding in to see her sitting crawled up on the floor leaning against the bathtub. She didn't move nor did she look my way.

„What happened?" I asked and she staid quiet not replying to my question. Instead of standing here awkwardly I sat down in front of her crossing my legs.

She had a bag of frozen beans next to her and her hand rested around her neck pulling her hoodie up.
Her eyes where red and glossy from all the crying and there's is definitely something she's trying to hide.

„hey it's me you can tell me what happened."
I placed my hand on her knee and she flinched which made me pull my hand back immediately.
Nothing pains me more to know that she's not comfortable being touched by me or maybe something just triggered her.

„Please. Just- Make sure that the little ones are okay. I'm fine. I haven't had one of these in a while and I just need to calm down." she explained and I glanced to the door then back to her.

„They are in good hands. Scar is with them down stairs. They did a great job by calling us." tears formed in her eyes once again.

„I wish they wouldn't have the need to call someone else for help. I've handled everything on my own for years. But when they saw me there with him- I'm so terrible. I wish they would have never seen me in this situation." she broke down and leaned her head against my shoulder.

It feels good that she is not shutting down after all this time and after all the things we've been through but she's still not telling me everything I need to know.

„who was he?? What did he do to you?" I asked and she shook her head.

„I can't tell you who it was. H-he said he would hurt me again. Or worse what if he does anything with the kids." she panicked and I hugged her tight embracing her in my arms.

„He won't hurt you again. You can tell me Nora. Please. Don't shut me down. Not after all this time." I had to pull this card and she pulled back taking her glasses off to rub her eyes before putting them back on.

My hand bawled into a fist as i see a deep purple bluish hand print appear on her neck. This was what she's been hiding from me. Oh my god.
She got chocked and her kids saw it?

„Nora? Who did this to you?" I asked now with a bit more stern voice yet gentle. She moved her hoodie a bit up probably ashamed of how it looks but I don't care about that. I just wanna bring justice to her and revenge to the person who did this to her. She had a face filled with sorrow as if she is apologizing for the things she's going to say now.

„It was Robbie. He did it." the words left her tongue and my heart sank to the ground. Is she telling me the truth? How is this even possible?
He doesn't even know that she's alive. I haven't told him that.


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