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Scar POV

„are you at my doorstep or did Lizzie decided to show up?" I only have seen the text now as I got to have my first break.

I didn't know that Lizzie was going to see her so early. I didn't see here this morning but I guess I can just see if she is in her lecture room or office.
I took one last bite of my sandwich and made my way through the hallways of the college.
After five minutes I've reached her lecture room and through the small window I can see her teaching at the blackboard.

Hmm this is strange. She isn't at Nora's place and neither am I.  Who could she have around?

To my preference the bell rang signing the finish of this lecture and I walked in immediately not giving a damn if she is done teaching or not.

„morning coach." students greeted me as they walked past me and as I got closer to Lizzie's desk.

She looked surprised yet she had a mad expression on her face not knowing why I show up in such an unfavorable way.

„What do you want Johansson?" she asked me Coldly while she was cleaning her blackboard with her back turned towards me.

„Have you been at Nora's place this morning?"
I asked and she stopped her movement to turn herself around immediately as she heard her name getting mentioned.

„Nora's place? No why would I? I've told you that I don't want to see her. Besides I don't even know where she lives." she fired back immediately as she threw the blackboard towel onto the desk making it lose some dust.

„Are you kidding me right now? Of course you know where she lives when I've messaged you the Adress. I've left a voicemails and wrote you some texts." I pointed at her phone that way laying on the desk.

„You gotta be shitting me Scarlett. I've received nothing. Not a single call or text ever since we fought as if I didn't exist." she grabbed her phone angrily to look it up.

„This can't be true! I've been texting and calling you for a while now. But you didn't seem to care about me at all. No reply. Pure silence on your line."

„No see!! Here no recent text messages and not a single call from you." she pushed her phone over the desk to let me see that there wasn't anything from me. Not even the things I've send her yesterday.

„then why do I have current text messages on my phone. At least the once where you left me on read." I showed her now my phone and my messages and confusion started to cross her face.

„You've been contacting me all the time?" she asked quietly and I nod.

„Of course I did. But I kept my distance because every time you didn't reply I thought I should give you more space. But now that Nora thinks that either me or you were at her doorstep so early this morning I thought there had to be something wrong. Because I know you would not have just drove to her before you'd talk to me."
I explained and she gave me my phone back after reading some messages.

„You where at her place?" she asked in a whisper and I hummed.

„I was yes. I went with Cobie and we had some coffee and talked a lot. She wants to see you."
I told her as my voice was filled with hope by now.

„if she wants to see me then she shouldn't have abandoned me in the first place. She shouldn't have faked her death."

„She had no other option. This was her only choice-."

„Come on don't bullshit me Scarlett. There is always a choice and there are always other options." she raised her voice and before I was able to say anything else my phone started to ring.

„What a timing that Nora calls now right?" she pointed at my phone as she saw who was calling me. I picked it up and kept eye contact with Lizzie.

„Nora hey! Are you okay?" I asked as I picked up the line.

„S-Scarlett?" I heard chase on the line and my gut twisted knowing that something is off.

„Chase my little one hey. Why are you calling me? Where is Nora?" I asked as I turned to the side minding Lizzie's gaze now.

„Mom had someone here this morning and he hurt her. She's in the bathroom crying and she wanted to send us to school today but I don't know what to do.." my Puls started to rise and grabbed my things to leave.

„How long has it been since she's been in the bathroom? Where is Quinn?" I asked and I felt how Lizzie was Following me hectically in silence.

„He is trying to get her out of the bathroom but it didn't work. I don't know for how long she's been in there. We are scared that something might have happened. Can you come and help us?"
She asked sounding terrified and jumped into my car not understanding at the moment why Lizzie got in with me.

„Okay sweetie I'll be there in no time alright! Why don't you draw me something with Quinn while I'm on the way? A little drawing for my fridge how about that?" I offered to try to distract them.
Seems like Nora is just having a mental breakdown and her kids aren't really able to help. So before they start to panic I should try to distract them.

„O-okay. I'll draw you one and Quinn too."
I smiled faintly as I was already on the highway speeding in a way I shouldn't but I don't give a damn.

„Great sweetie. I'm happy to have sole drawings on my fridge soon. I know they will look awesome. I'll be there in 15 minutes okay. Just stay focused on the drawing and everything will be fine."
I reassured them and she hummed.

„Thank you aunty Scarlett." she replied sounding a bit better now. D-did she just say aunty to me?!?

„Always. I'll be there in no time." and I hung up the call.

„You are speeding a bit to much what is going on?"

„I don't give a crap that I'm speeding now.
Why did you even come with me in the first place? I thought you didn't care?" I asked and she staid silent for a while.

„who is chase?" she asked breaking the silence once again.

„You'll find that out as soon as we are there."
I replied angrily towards her on how closed up she is against Nora.Whoever hurt Nora this morning I'll haunt them and kill them if I have to.


A/n: I had the energy to put a bit more than one chapter out. Hope y'all enjoyed <3

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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