She should have held her hand

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Nora POV

„Is this everything you have?" I asked as in noticed how his punches become sloppy and less focused.
He became even more angry and now he practically jumped over me making me fall to ground. I felt the cold knife blade Behind my back and this was my chance. I need to get a hold of this knife to end this once and for all.

„You've always been such an ungrateful bitch. All I wanted was to have you forever and you just fake your death. Looks like I need to make this Death come true." he yelled out as he kept punching me. At some point I couldn't even fell my face anymore and I wonder how I was able to stay conscious.

My hand was already behind my back and I grabbed the knife getting ready for the small window that will open eventually. I will have one chance only and if I miss it I'll die instead of him.

He became sloppy again and I watched how he wanted to grab a bigger stone that laid next to us to hit me with it. I pulled the knife out and stabbed him right in the abdomen. Schock scattered his face as he looked down onto the piece of metal piercing his skin. 

His hands where shaking from the shock as he tried to grab it but he knew he had no chance to survive. He moved away from straddling me and slopped to the side.

His lips moved he wanted to say something but he simply wasn't able to as if someone stole his voice.
I breathed in shortly being reminded of the pain and even though I wanted to lay on the ground I had to go and see Lizzie.

She started to gain consciousness again and as I crawled towards her a smile formed on my face filled with tears.

„I-I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I asked as I stroked the dirt and hair out of her face.

„I'm fine are you?" she asked wanting to cup my face but I winced in pain.

„Is he?" she asked me and I cried out only giving her a nod.

„It's over." I chuckled and she started to cry as well. This weren't tears of joy but tears of relief.
I watched her closely as I wanted to help her to get up but my eye caught something that made me move fast. I pushed Lizzie behind me and felt multiple bullets perforate my body.

„NO!!!" was all I heard in an echo mixed with the hollow sound of the bullets echoing through the dark forest.

The weapon fell out of  Victors arms and I saw him fall back again probably now dead because he lost to much blood. I started to feel cold as if my body began to freeze from the pain and blood I am loosing.

„Nora!! Come on hey look at me!!" Lizzie's lips moved slow and her voice felt so far away.

Her hands where on my face but I didn't feel her warmth. I couldn't feel her.
„I-I'm c-cold." was all I could bring out barely.

„I'll keep you warm okay. But I have to put pressure on the wound." she replied hectic and I see panic scattered across her face with a horrific fear.

She tried to lay me down gently but that won't change anything now. There are to many wounds and holes in my body that are making me bleed out.

She pushed her hands down on my stomach where the biggest wound was and I screamed out seeing how sorrow filled her face now.

„L-Liz. I'm d-dying. It's okay. Hey..." I whispered earning a violent head shake from her.

„NO YOU ARE NOT DYING! You hear me? This is not how our story ends. HEY!! Nora!!" she tries to call me out of unconsciousness and it worked.

„H-hold my h-hand. Please." I pleaded quietly but she shook her head as tears kept on falling down on me.

„No! I'm not gonna hold your hand. You're not dying you hear me? What are you gonna tell your kids?" she replied sobbing.

„T-tell them that I l-Love them." I whispered as I started to taste the blood in my mouth.

„No you will tell them that okay!! Come on."

„L-Lizzie. Look at me! Please." she shook her head lightly keeping her eyes on my stomach for a bit until I saw her drained eyes.

„P-please. Keep that p-promise.." I told her with a smile on my face that didn't last long until I started to cough blood.

Lizzie POV

A smile rested on her face for a short while until she started to cough blood making me panic only more. Where the hell are the others?

„Listen to me I called scar earlier when I saw Victor. Ambulance is on the way and the police will handle the rest. You just have to stay awake for me okay. Please I'm begging you I don't wanna lose you again. I can't I can't bare it one more time. I don't ever want to lose you!!! You hear me? Nora?? NORA?!" i felt how my hands where covered in warm and dark blood by now.

The loud noise in the air grabbed my attention making me look up. It's an ambulant helicopter. Thank god.

„See? Help is on the way." I cried out still looking up but I didn't hear anything from her. I looked down seeing her eyes closed and her chest wasn't moving.

„N-Nora? Please. Come on don't do this to me!
I can't live without you. I though I could but I can't. Please..." I begged knowing deep down in my mind that she is slipping out of my hands.

„Miss we will take over from here. You did great work. But we need you to step back." the emergency doctor told me and I sniffed my nose as I fell back watching how four men and women transported her into the helicopter.

„W-which hospital?" I asked and one of the woman looked at me helping me up.

„St. Louis West. It's the closest one. We would take you with us but we don't have enough space. Besides the police is coming and they need your statement." she told me quick and moved towards the helicopter not wanting to waste any time.

The helicopter took off and I watched it until I wasn't able to see it anymore.


A/n: I know this might sound abrupt but I'm planning on finishing this book and make another one as in part three. I just think it would fit better but I have to see first. Just wanted to let y'all know. It might look like the story is over but it's not... for some but not for everyone... anyways I ain't telling nothing gotta keep you on your top toes hehe

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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