„Serve me some wine"

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Narrator POV

„What did he want?" scar asked after Lizzie hung up the phone while rolling her eyes.

„He's just asking where I'm at." she replied knowing what he did but not why.

Lizzie has so many questions but she doesn't want to push Robbie in case he will raise his hand on her once again.

„I feel like you shouldn't go back home tonight."
Scar told her and she huffed out while leaning against the kitchen island.

„where else am I supposed to stay then?"
She asked and scar peaked Nora's back signing her to say something.

„Eh you could stay here. I have an extra guest room." scar rubbed her eyes on how dumb Nora replied. The fucking guest room? Girl. We both know that you want her in your bed. That's what scar at least thought.

„I don't want it to come off Strange for your kids. I mean they've met me just today and don't you think it's a bit weird for me stay here over night already?" she asked while pulling on the sleeves on her blouse nervously.

„Are you kidding? I feel like they love you more than me already. I'm sure they will be more than fine with having you here. If you insist I can go and ask them if they want you here." Nora joked and a small smile formed around Lizzie's lips.

Jackpot. I got them back together for a whole night. Scar high fiber herself under the table cause she was planing this outcome all along. She just hopes that they won't fuck it up again by saying hurtful things.

„Great so I think I should go. I'll see you soon and I'll see you Tomorrow at work." scar cheered and got up while rubbing her hands.

„Hold on. I wanted to tell you that I can't really walk back into college as if I didn't fake my death..."

„Oh I forgot about that part." scar mumbled and leaned against the table.

„Can I give you them and you have them by your side during the game? I know I ask for much but I can't do anything about it until I figure out how to handle my other issues." Nora explained and scar nod.

„Of course I can. I would love to have them with me during the game. I'm sure they will be happy about sitting in the first row." scar smiled and a huge relieve left Nora's shoulder.

„Thank you. I owe you." they hugged shortly as Nora got up to lead her to her car.

„Should I pick you up tomorrow before work?"
Scar asked as she walked past Lizzie who followed them outside.

„Don't worry about that. I'll have it covered I need to drive down as well to bring the kids to preschool." Nora added and scar smirked towards herself.

„Alright. Keep me updated if anything else happens okay." scar demanded towards Nora and she nod.

„I will ma'am!" she saluted playfully and scar rolled her eyes.

„I mean it. Love ya." they hugged quick again and she jumped into the car after giving Lizzie a hug as well.

„drive safe! And text me when you are home!"
Lizzie added as scar jumped into her car.

„I will ma'am." now she mocked Nora which made her roll her eyes.

She started her engine and drove off waving them goodbye just as the both did as well.

„I should probably clean up the mess I made in the kitchen." Lizzie nod her head towards the house and Nora shook her head.

„Don't you dare do that. You've helped out enough for today. I don't even know how to repay you for that." she rubbed her back as they both walked back into the wooden house covered in leafs.

„Oh I know how you can." Lizzie mumbled quietly.

„What did you say?" Nora asked back and Lizzie blushed while shaking her head.

„Nothing. How about you serve me a glass of wine?" Lizzie changed the topic and Nora smiled at her. Not because she asked for wine but because she understood exactly what she said. She just wanted to tease her and Test if she would reply exactly how she did before.

„Gladly. I got an old one that I kept hidden."
She bragged and Lizzie smiled wide.

„Alright. I'll pack everything up into the dishwasher.  Make yourself comfortable I'll be there before you know it." Nora pointed out but Lizzie sat down on the kitchen counter instead of the couch.

„are you comfortable this way?" Nora asked confused and about Lizzie's Choice where to sit.

„Hmm I'm good where I am. Thank you." she explained while leaning back onto her hands.

„Alright. You do you." Nora added as she started to put the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

The silence that lasted for a while wasn't oppressive in any way. Even though it felt slightly unfamiliar it still changed into a comforting way what neither of them expected.
Nora was minding Lizzie's eyes because she felt her gaze firmly on her skin as if she was watching every move of her. On the other side she would love to do nothing else except for staring into her emerald eyes.

Lizzie on the other hand waited for Nora's deep brown eyes to reach her's. She wanted to look at them so bad because she thought for so long that she would never see them again. But then again she thinks of how can you feel like you've lost someone if you never had them for yourself?

„Here you go. The wine you asked for." Nora slid the glass over to Lizzie and she got ripped out of her daydream.

„Oh yeah. Thank you." she replied and took a big sip of the wine.

„Looks like Someone is thirsty." she mocked her and she couldn't hide her smile from this cocky reply.

„MOOOM!!!" the kids called out for her from upstairs and Nora let out a little huff.

„seems like it's bed time for them already. Sorry. I'll be back soon so we can relax in silence." she explained after she took another sip before placing the glass down.

„Don't stress yourself. I'll be waiting here." Lizzie replied as she rubbed Nora's shoulder before letting her head off.


A/n: hehe I'm exited for the next chapter I hope y'all are too ;)

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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