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Lizzie POV

„Can you zip me up?" I asked frustrated from trying to do it myself. Scar walked up from behind and grabbed the gown to zip me up.

„Here you go." she stroked the back of my dress to let out the wrinkles.

„Thanks." i smiled softly as she kept short eye contact with me through the mirror.

„Sure. By the way the dress looks stunning on you." She pointed out as she walked back into the bathroom to put on her earrings along with the piercings she already had.

„Thank you. Yours is beautiful as well." I complimented back.

„I had no idea that your new friend was able to get anything for the both of us. Especially for me because she hasn't seen me yet. She really hit the nail on the head." she chuckled as she watched herself in her dress.

„I definitely gotta thank her for that later."
She added and I little smirk formed on my face.

„Do that. I already thanked her. I'll do it again but you shouldn't hesitate to get to know her. She is a beautiful woman and really kind."

„Are you trying to get me to like her even though I haven't even exchanged a single word with her?"
She asked as she peaked her head around the door to look at me.

„Me? Mingle you with someone you don't know? Nahh I'm just saying that.. y'know Just thank her that's all."

„Okay. But purely hypothetical. How does she look like?" she asked peeking her head through the door again. Seems like Scar is already a bit into her.

„Brown hair a bit over the shoulder. Bright blue eyes. Plumper lips. A sharp face in general. Yeah I think that's it."

„I'm sorry what? That's it??"

„Did you expect more?" I asked and she shook her head.

„No,no.. I didn't expect this. I'm just..."

„Flustered. Falling head over heels for someone you don't even know?" I asked and by her expression I already know that I annoy her exactly how I used to do back then.

„Shut it. I'm not falling I was just asking."
She tried to brush it off but I was able to see how she was blushing a bit.

„I'm curious about how the night ends."

„Ugh same! I just wanna have drinks and enjoy the hopefully good life music."

„Do you need any time because I'm done so far."
Scar asked as she slipped into her heels.

„Yeah. All good to go." I brushed through my hair one last time.

„Let's not forget the masks. I almost forgot."
She walked to the bed where they where laying and handed me the green mask fitting to my dress and she put on the red one which was matching her dress as well.

We made our way down to the event and as we walked in we saw an extravagant and beautiful decoration. Big sparkly chandeliers are hanging down the wall and the dance floor was packed with couples dancing.

„champagne?" a waiter asked us and we both grabbed instantly synchronized for a glass cause we both already sobered up from the wine we had before.

„Lizzie! I almost didn't recognize you."
I turned around seeing Cobie in a black suit.

„Cobie! Well there's a big difference between me in sports wear and glamoured up."
I joked and we exchanged a quick hug.

„This must be the friend who left you alone in the hills right?" she turned to scar who stood right next to me.

„yup that would be me." she replied sounding a bit guilty.

„I'm just joking. Hi I'm Cobie. But I bet Lizzie already told you my name." she stretched out her hand for scar and they shook it for a while.

„Scarlett. But please call me scar." she answered with a smirk on her face.

„A beautiful name to an even more beautiful woman. You both look dashing tonight." she charmed the both of us and I smiled at her just as scar did.

„Thank you. You look stunning as well in that suit. And thank you for inviting us and for giving us these gowns. We weren't prepared for something eventful like this." Scar thanked her and I felt the vibe of her shift. I can definitely tease her later.

„I've heard. You both would have missed this annual event. I guess it's luck that we met."

„I guess so. I'm glad we did even if we wouldn't be be here at the masked ball." I told her and her smile grew.

„I gotta be honest I'm not really of a friends person. Mainly because I'm busy with work all the time. This place here keeps me occupied. And the ones I meet usually want to take advantage of me working here.. anyways can I get you both something to drink? I see your glasses are empty."

„We are sorry to hear that. We would never take advantage of a friendship this doesn't feel right."
I told her and she smiled faintly as she guided us to the bar.

„What can I get you both?" she asked as she leaned against the counter.

„I would love to have some wine."

„I'm satisfied if I would have a martini."
Scar added and Cobie smirked at her.

„Oliver we would like To have the best red wine and two martinis please." she informed the bartender and he nod getting himself to work.

„how long have you been working here?" scar asked and Cobie looked at her.

„Probably a bit over 10 years. So a while actually.
What do you guys work as if I may ask?"

„I'm a basketball coach at a college."

„And I'm a professor at a college. We both work at the same place as well."

„that sound beneficial. To have your best friend at the same work place."

„Yeah it's great." scar nod at me and I gave her a faint smile.

„And I see you Lizzie are happily married?" she asked as she pointed at my wedding ring.
I looked down and then up to her again.

„Yup." I answered and the drinks got served thank god I need this wine desperately.

„Thank you Oliver."

„Your welcome Miss Smulders."
He nod and I didn't expect to hear him say her sir name. I thought they are colleges.

„What about you scar? You got a flame waiting for you at home?" she questioned as she sipped on her martini.

„No I don't. It's been years ever since I had anything with anyone." she replied lowly and I had to think back to Nora. So scar didn't have anything with anyone ever since she died.

„Your not a relationship type person?" she asked and scar chuckled.

„Well I guess I just haven't found the one. Or at least I thought I did but things don't always work out as you wish for..." she told her and glanced briefly towards me.

„what a shame. I hope you find the one."
She raised her glass and so did we both as well.


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