The police friend

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Scar POV

Nora joined her kids outside by now and they are using the space to play with chestnut. She is a good mother and I don't want her to lose her kids in any way. She doesn't deserve it and neither do the kids. They are to young to understand the issues she has on her shoulders.

My eyes darted from outside away back to the front door as I hear the door bell ring.

„She's here. Please be nice." Cobie pleaded and kissed me lightly as she moved to the door straightening her clothes. What the fuck why is she doing that? For real I wanna know who she try's to impress.

„Hey there. I don't think we know each other. I'm Beth." I heard Beth's voice as she introduced herself to Cobie. I totally forgot that they haven't met yet.

„Beth!! Hey come on in." I greeted her and she smiled walking in.

„I'm Cobie. Scar's girlfriend." she replied as they shook hands briefly.

„You got yourself a beautiful woman scar."
She wiggled with her brows as she took off her jacket.

„Indeed." I replied with a smirk on my face.

„Have you been waiting for someone else? It looks like you guys are standing on hot bricks?" she asked as she scanned our posture.

„A friend of Cobie should be here any time soon."
I answered as we walked into the Living room.

„Aunty Beth!!" I heard the kids yell out and they ran inside jumping into her arms.

„hey there little ones. Are you guys okay? Where is your mom?" she asked as she ruffled their heads.

„outside with chestnut." they pointed out as they pulled away from the hug.

„I'll go get the door." Cobie got up and jogged to the door after we heard the door bell ring.

„I should go and welcome her friend. I'll be back."

„Hey is it because of y'know." she moved her head back to Nora and I nod.

„Yes it is." I answered and she nod.

„Okay kids let's go outside and play a bit more!"
Beth moved out and I mouthed her a thank you as she left the living room.

„I thought we would meet at your place? Oh Hi you must be the house owner. I'm detective Sanches but please call me Lesley so nice to meet you." she stretched her hand out and I was a bit blown away on how good she looks.

„Indeed house owner but most importantly Cobie's girlfriend! I'm scar nice to finally meet you too." I smiled seeing how Cobie gives me a thumbs up as she stood slightly behind her so she wasn't able to see it.

„Can I get you anything to drink? Some wine? Or a coffee?" I asked as we moved to the Living room.

„I'm out of service so I'd love to have some wine."
She answered and I nod.

„Babe do you want anything?" I asked and she walked past me.

„I'll go get the wine. Why don't you sit down with Lesley." she kissed me on the cheek as she walked past me and I sat down in front of her.

„Sooo.. how did you get to know Cobie?"
I asked as let my elbows rest on my thighs.

„It's quite a funny story. Right Cobs?" she replied as she looked at Cobie who came back with the wine.

„what is funny?" she asked cluelessly.

„The story on how we met." Lesley replied and Cobie went red.

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