At The cliff

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Nora POV

„SCAR!!" I yelled out every two minutes and I've been wandering through the forest for around 30 minutes. I've walked past a couple bear traps and I got closer to the river cliff knowing that the connection on the phone is there the best.

This is actually one of my favorite places and used to walked up here a lot while I was pregnant.
The trees form and alley way at some point as you start to get closer to the cliff where you have a huge tree trunk that laid there and there was a bench caved into it. Beneath the cliff is a river and when I used to sit there I was able to listen to the water float. It's really therapeutic and it helped me a lot to calm down.

„Hey!!" I yelled out as I saw scar sit on my spot.
I finally found her.

„Nora? What are you doing here?" she asked me confused yet there was a hint of relief in her voice.

„I could ask you the same. Looks like you found my favorite spot." I wiggled around as I got closer to sit down next to her. I pulled the revolver of off my shoulder and placed it down beside me. She looked surprised about my gear.

„What's up with the revolver? Did you plan on hunting something?" she asked referring to the gun next to me.

„No. I was just looking for you. That's all."

„And you need a gun? To look for me? I'm not a threat darling." she joked while raising a brow and I chuckled.

„You probably didn't know but we have bears out here. They aren't around that often but I'm just prepared for a worst case scenario when I'm out here for a hike." I explained and she hummed at me leaning back into the bench.

„You have a beautiful favorite spot. I could sit her all day." she waved her head towards the view in front of us and I nod as a smile formed on my face.

„Yeah. I tend to come here to forget the time and everything else around me." I explained while getting lost in a daydream.

„Where you lonely back then?" she asked me out of nothing.

„Yes and no. I felt really lonely while I was pregnant. Beth wasn't always around even if she tried her best to be there when I needed her. Whenever I felt lonely or sad I walked up to this place to forget about what was going on in my life."

„I'm sorry that you felt lonely." she comforted me and nudged her shoulder.

„You shouldn't apologize. This goes on me. I'm the one who chose to leave."

„But I know you didn't want to leave. Right?"
She questioned.

„I know if I would have staid I would have probably lost my mind. I was on the verge of losing it. I didn't see any other option. Victor was sucking the life out of me and I saw this as my only option." I fidget with my rings anxiously as I think back to the time I was with him.

„I don't like asking this because I know you don't feel comfortable talking or even thinking about it but..." she held herself back from a moment and I feel like I know what question comes next.

„Was he abusing you?" she asked and my mind floats back to the worst moments I had.

„Yes.." was all I could bring out in a whisper almost so quiet that she wasn't able to hear it. But she did.
I could see it in her face that her expression changed into sorrow.

„Was it sexual abuse as well?" she almost chocked on her own voice because I know that she doesn't want to ask it but she needs to know it at some point and so does Lizzie but letting them in and letting them know somehow terrifies me.

I wasn't able to bring out a single word by now.
As if my mind lost every possibility to say anything.
All I did was nod at her answer and after that I felt her embrace. The hug she gave me made me lose my control over my emotions and everything started to come crashing down. Tears and sobs left my body and it felt like I was washing my soul clean. Every tear that fell was heavy but with every breath I took I felt lighter somehow.

„I know words probably won't make you feel better, but maybe actions do. What I want you to know is that he will pay for this. You have my word honey." she promised me after a while and my sobs became stronger.

„You are the strongest person I know. What you've been through was hell I know that now. But you still made the best out of it. After all the sacrifices you made you have become a beautiful and strong mother. Your kids love you endlessly and you have me and Lizzie next to you. We won't leave. Ever."
She added and I nod into the hug because I can't bring out a single word.

„I'm so scared. I don't w-want to relive it."
I admitted and she started to rub my head up and down.

„You will never relive it. He thinks you are dead.
You are safe here and he won't find out. What makes you think that?" she asked worried.

„What if Robbie try's to tear me away from my kids as revenge because I actually didn't die. He saw them when he choked me."

„I don't think it will happen. He probably thinks that the kids are from someone else. Not from Victor." she told me and tried to reassure me.

„I just want to lose this terrible feeling that something might happen to my kids or..."

„Or to who?" she asked as I stopped myself from saying her name.

„To Lizzie. I did this all for her. I left so she could be safe. What if he hurts her? I could never forgive myself for that." I cried out and scar separated us from the hug. She cupped my face while whipping away my tears that kept on floating.

„Nothing will ever happen to them. We are all safe okay. I promise!" she told me but the worry in her eyes told me that she felt the same way I did.
Terrified because she knows now what I am thinking about.

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