„I need you to promise me something."

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Nora POV

„Nora I have to ask this. Is this another run away or just a trip and you'll be back? Because if you are planning on leaving again at least tell me so I can prepare myself." Lizzie asked sounding pissed.

„Not you too. Why does everyone think I'll run away?" I fired back slamming the front door shut.

„Oh I don't know... because you fucking faked your death? You ran away from things that could have been solved." she reminded me sarcastically and I rolled my eyes because she didn't had to remind me.

„Yeah I'm a coward you don't have to remind me."

„What? I didn't say that don't twist my words around." she answered as she paced up and down.

„Well you definitely mean it or at least you think it.
But I'm not running away. Not now even if I want to. I can't do this to my kids. I won't rip them apart from their environment and home." I argued back and we both where practically boiling.

„then why are you leaving and why does it feel like you won't come back?" she asked and I could hear and see the tears that she is holding back. This made me come down from my anger because I don't want to make her cry. I don't want to the reason for her tears.

„I'm not hey it's okay. I'm here I won't run away. I just need some days away from here with my kids to clear my head." I told her as I walked closer pulling her in for a hug and she started to cry.

„Are you leaving because of me? Am I the reason?"
She asked sobbing and I stroked her head gently as I pulled her in closer with my other arm.

„No. It's not safe here for me anymore and neither for my kids. I didn't want to tell you because I don't want to make you worry. I'm sorry." I told her with a way calmer voice now.

„Why isn't it?" she asked me as she pulled back from the hug making me feel cold again.

„Here." I pulled my phone out and showed her the pictures that where made of us in the car being close. Her expression fell and she looked back at me and then back down to the phone.

„And you didn't tell me?" she asked sounding hurt and so am I.

„I wanted to tell you as soon as I know what to do about it. But I'm still doubting my options." I told her and she staid silent probably processing what she just found out.

„there is something else you should know."
I almost whispered gaining her attention still.

„He was there. He talked to Quinn and Chase. He was at the school and wanted to take them with him. But the school knew that I was raising them on my own so they didn't give them to him."
Shock fell over her face and she leaned back against the kitchen counter.

„Victor is their biological father. He probably arranged all of this and makes me feel trapped again. He is back and This is why I wanted to be gone for a couple days. Beth was at my place this morning and she found the pictures you saw printed in my mail box. He plays with me as if I am his prey. He circles around me and he waits for the chance to do the final move and I don't have a good feeling about this." panic started to crawl up in my voice and I couldn't hide my fear anymore.

„I need you to promise me something." I added and she nod slowly.

„I know this is a lot to ask for but I feel like you are the right one. If anything happens to me and I won't be here to be with my kids I-."

„What hold up. This is not... no you will be around to raise them. Nothing will happen. You won't have to ask me to do it. You will still be here and raise your kids. Don't even think about this."

„I still need you to Promise me this. Please it's just an emergency promise." I pleaded and she stepped close cupping my face.

„Look at me Nora." she demanded quietly.

„Nothing will happen. I can promise you that."
She told me and I shook my head having a gut wrenching feeling that hasn't left me ever since the things happened with the pictures and with Victor appearing at the kids school.

Out of nothing she grabbed my face tighter and pulled me in for a kiss making my mind shut down for a moment. I gave into the kiss and put lips molded together for a moment. She makes me forget where I am and mostly she makes me forget what i was thinking about. My mind simply stopped spiraling and I can finally have a quiet seconds away from all the pressure that drags me down as if I was drowning.

„What was that for?" I asked after she pulled back.

„I feel like you needed this. You where spiraling and I can't stand it when you don't feel well." she explained and I smiled softly.

„It worked. So thank you." I told her and now I got to see the big bright smile with the nose scrunch I adored so much.

„Did you hear this?" my attention got pulled to the window behind Lizzie and I walked past her looking outside.

„No what?" she asked as she placed her hand on my back and my gut wrenches once again.

„shut the lights off!" I demanded her as I walked to my basement hectic to grab my revolver.

„Woah hey what's up with the revolver? Nora what is going on?" she asked now visibly anxious but I placed my hand on her cheek stroking it to make her calm down.

„Someone is here.  Whoever it is stay behind me."

„I don't see anyone Nora it's dark outside. No one is here." she replied but she still sounded scared and so am I.

„I heard foot steps outside. Not animal footsteps so someone is here. There is no car which means someone walked all the way down to my house through the woods to probably keep a low profile."

„I need you stay here. And take this." I gave her my phone and pulled a knife out of the kitchen.

„A knife? Nora you scare me." she replied and I held in looking at her fearful face.

„Stay here.. I mean it." I told her squeezing her hand tight.


A/n: hehe a cliff hanger y'all probably want to kill me

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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