Who is she?

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Lizzie POV

My head was buzzing and the pain I had from all the alcohol was killing me. I tried to tose around in the bed but I wasn't really able to move. I looked to my left seeing scar still deep asleep and on my right was Cobie. Realization hit me as I looked under the sheets seeing us naked and covered in hickeys.

Oh my god this really happened? This wasn't just a dream? Last night was real?

Both had their arms resting over me and their hands where intertwined. Seems like I can't get out of this bed before one of them wakes up to separate.

I huffed out and decided to turn back to sleep.
I need to rest because my head won't stop pounding until I get a good amount of sleep.


After a while I woke up again and to my surprise the bed was empty. I grabbed the sheets and got up to take a shower and before I was able to walk in scar walked out in her underwear drying off her hair off with a towel.

„morning.." she greeted me and I smiled at her covering myself up further.

„You ain't gotta cover up. It's not like I've seen you naked." she joked and I chuckled at her.

„sorry it's just a habit." I replied and she gave me a gentle look.

„You know your beautiful inside and out and I'm sorry that Robbie doesn't tell you that every day."
She complimented genuinely and I nod.

„Thanks scar." i replied.

„I should probably... y'know shower the sweat off my body."

„Yeah yeah go ahead take your time. In the mean time I'll go and look after Cobie just to check on her.." she pointed out and I smirked noticing how flustered she got after she mentioned Cobie.
Seems like she got a hold on her already.

I walked in and hoped into the shower to clean myself up properly. After a while I walked out seeing scar sit on the cleaned up bed with her back turned to me.

„I thought you where going to look after Cobie?"
I asked and she turned her head to me.

„I haven't found her. Maybe she's already working."
Scar replied crushed and I sat down next to her noticing that she feels off.

„Are you okay? You seem weirdly off."

„I don't know. About yesterday.." she began I don't know what to respond so I staid silent waiting for her to say something.

„Margot had so many similarities with Nora..
I usually blend out the looks of others when I'm drunk, but there was a split moment where I could swear that she was standing in front of me."
She began and I thought for a moment that she wanted to talk about the steamy night we had with Cobie.

„Scar you're being ridiculous. She's dead. We went to her funeral and-."

„We buried an empty coffin Liz. Don't you wanna believe that she might be out there. I mean the chances are low but what if she is." I shook my head as my mind starts to fill with some sort of anger.

„She would never do such thing. Neither did she had a reason to do it. Besides if she would be out there which I don't believe I think she would have contacted us or at least one of us. I don't even know if I'd forgive her for leaving like this if she is still alive. She can't just bounce back into life. We grieved over her. I grieved day and night."

„Come on. Don't be like this."

„Like what? All I am trying to say is that she won't be forgiven if what you say is true."

„Stop this nonsense. Your acting miserable. I know you won't be mad."

„I won't be because I already am. You where drunk and probably just thinking of her in that split moment." before she was able to say anything else we heard a knock on the door.

„It's open!" scar yelled out and Cobie walked in head first. She was dressed in a grey suit and she carried a clip board with her.

„Morning Ladys." she greeted us with a gentle yet stern smile. Something seems off.

„Is everything okay?" I asked and she let out a little sigh.

„I don't really know. I was called by the security service this morning and turns out we had a guest who wasn't registered on our guest-list."
Scar and I shared a confused look.

„Why does it matter and what does it have to do with us? You invited us right." scar asked and she nod at her last statement.

„Of course I did. But this is not about you. We all talked to her. It was Margot." scar and I exchanged a quick glance and looked back to Cobie.

„So you where on duty when you where with us? Since the security service called you this morning? Shouldn't you have noticed it earlier?" I asked and she shook her head now leaning against the edge of the table behind her.

„I know my guest list in and out because I am the one who is creating this guest list every year. I noticed that she wasn't Someone I knew but I let it slide because I was way to drunk to even act properly." She replied sternly and now things start to add up.

„so you are not a tour guid to help climb up the hill? You where lying why?" I asked a bit mad and she huffed out.

„Well no I am not but I really know this place in and out and I need to get out of this hotel from time to time because it's stressful."

„Stressful to work as an security officer?"
Scar asked while crossing her arms.

„No. stressful because I am the owner of this hotel. I have to manage a lot of things and they are tiring." we had absolutely no clue that she owns this hotel..

„People who know me mostly just want to benefit from the position I'm in. That is why I don't tell them immediately who I am and what I do for living. But you seemed like a good person when I first saw you and I only had good intentions. So I an sorry for lying to you."

„It's okay. We won't do such things." scar answered for the both of us.

„Did Margot steal anything? Or why are you looking after her?" I asked now and she looked back at me.

„No. I don't care about that. If this wouldn't be so special I'd even let it slide. But the problem is.. she doesn't exist."

„Doesn't exist? What are you talking about?"
Scar asked irritated.

„I have a close friend at the police station and I asked them for a favor to check out the name.
Turns out that things don't match. According to my information she only exist for six years. I mean she isn't a new born so this means her identity is not the one she's giving off. She is someone else."

„Who is she then?" I asked and Cobie shrugged her shoulders.

„That's what we need to figure out. I told my friend that I don't want the police involved unless we can't do anything anymore. We both had a good connection with her maybe we can see her again and find out more."


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