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Loren : I really like this loud guy shy guy act you two have going on
Eugene : It's not an act, I just  like to talk and Dan doesn't
Eugene : Who the fuck?
Kristen : Language!
Eugene : ...
Eugene : Whom the fuck?
Dan : So I said to myself : Tanner-
John Roberts : Tanner?
Dan : Yes that's what I call myself
Dan : I'm sorry but I'm not emotionally invested in any of this
Bobby : That's the nicest way I've ever heard someone say "I don't give a damn"
Jon Benjamin : You two need to be nicer to the interviewer
Kristen : We are nice
Eugene : You guys threatened to beat him with a chair
John Roberts : I thought a warning was nice !
Michael : ...
John Roberts : Apologize to Jim
Loren : Fine, Jim unfuck you or whatever
Dan : You have no idea what I'm capable of
Eugene : No offense but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake
Jon Benjamin : I hate you
John Roberts : WRONG because according to this photo I drew this morning of us holding hands we're best friends
John Roberts : I'm gay
Kristen : I'm upset
Loren : I'm tired
Dan : I'm all of the above get over yourself

Dan isn't gay but he makes a lot of jokes ab it in his jokes
Dan : *yelling in Spanish*
Larry : I know, I know
Bobby : You know Spanish?
Larry : No I just know "I don't wanna talk right now"
Jon Benjamin : I don't have an attitude problem, you have a problem with my attitude and you know what? That's not my problem
Dan : ...
Dan : What does idk mean?
Eugene : I dont know
Kristen : I don't know
Dan : Ugh! Nobody knows!
Jon Benjamin : I'm sad
Larry : it's gonna be okay bud, come here


Jon Benjamin : I'm sad
John Roberts : Mood
Kristen : When life gives you lemons you squeeze them into people's eyes to make them feel your pain
Jon Benjamin : Kristen Schaal no
Kristen : Kristen Schaal yes
Michael : You guys wouldn't like me when I'm angry
John Roberts : Bold of you to assume we like you at all
Dan : You know when you tap on the video you see how much time you have left?
Eugene : Yeah
Dan : I wish I could do the same with people
Dan : *eating a cinnamon roll*
Fans : Cannibalism !
Dan : *confused eating noises* 
Kristen : If I die it's gonna be a huge party! And you're all invited!
Eugene : "if?"
Dan : Great the only party I've ever been invited to and it might not happen
Dan after every comic con : Well this was fun, *chuckles* I'm gonna go to bed for a few days

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