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(when they first met)

Jimmy Jr: hi, I'm Jimmy what's your name?

Tina: uhhh

Tina: *starts coloring faster*

Jimmy Jr: ??

Tina: it's fine, Tina, it's just a tiny crush

Jimmy Jr: hi-


Bob: have you been getting enough sleep, Lin?

Linda: well, sometimes when I sneeze I close my eyes

Tina: I'm not comfortable in large crowds

Bob: well what do you consider a large crowd?

Tina: anyone more than me

Tina: which movie are you and Alex gonna go see?

Gene: I decided to go to whatever movie he wants

Tina: and that is?

Gene: I haven't decided yet

Linda: we should all do something that'll make straight men in the 1950s angry

Nat: I'm already a lesbian who can't cook, what more do you want from me?

Bob: why are you helping me?

Teddy: because my life's a mess right now and I don't know how to care for myself so I care for other people

Teddy: more coffee, bobby?

Bob: what do we say when someone disagrees with us?

Louise: I'll see you in hell


Bob: no

Gene: what goes up but never goes down?

Bob: the stress of this family

(Before a presentation)

Zeke: are you nervous?

Tina: yeah

Zeke: first time?

Tina: no, I've been nervous

Gene: I love therapy!

Bob: really? Well that's good to he-

Gene: BECAUSE it's like a talk show where I'm the guest and the only topic is me

Gene: I'm a God!!!

Tina: you yelled "shut up" at a thunderstorm and it happened to dissipate. It was purely coincidence, you have no God like powers nor are you a God

Louise: shut up he's a God

Teddy: bobby, I'm sorry please talk to me

Teddy: hello? Best friend? Angel that's too pure for this world? The man of my dreams who I love so dearly-

Bob: sorry doesn't take back the ending of game of thrones that you spoiled for me, teddy!

Louise: my mom taught me to think before I act

Linda: :)

Louise: so if I smack you with a chair, rest assured I thought about it and am confident with my decision

Linda: >:V

Tammy: i saw you and Zeke walking together yesterday

Tina: yeah, we're friends now

Tammy: you two were holding hands

Tina: ...we were crossing the road?

Tina: Gene got us banned from the buffet so we had to eat somewhere else

Gene: well they shouldn't say "all you can eat!" If you don't mean it!

Bob: you ate a CHAIR gene

Dillion: let's play 20 questions, you start!

Tina: okay what's your favorite color?

Dillion: pineapple

Dillion: are you into girls?

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