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Jimmy Pesto: What's the word for that infestation of tiny creatures over there

Bob: Those are children. That's a school.

Gene: It's impossible to say the word "cupcake" while sounding angry



Tina: Hey Gene, why has Louise been screaming "cupcake" while sounding vaguely threatening for the past two hours?

Jimmy Jr: I like dark humor

Tina, turning off the lights: Wanna hear a joke?

Tina, waking up from a power nap: Where am I? Is this heaven?

Louise, banging on her door: WAKE THE FUCK UP, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE

Tina: Oh!

Tina: This is hell.

Gene, doing a pretend documentary: Mort believes that Bob is the more ruthless one, while Teddy is softer with a sweet sense of humour that provides the charm

Bob: Mort's pretty smart!

Teddy: Mort's a dick.


Tina: Why are you here?

Zeke: Jocelyn texted me and told me J-Ju got hurt, so I brought him a watermelon

Tina: Why?

Zeke: J-Ju loves watermelons!




Jimmy Jr: *sobs and holds watermelon*

Dillion, holding a shovel: What's up guys! Today we're doing another unboxing video!

Dillion: *walks into graveyard*

Tina: where are you going?

Louise: I'm either getting ice cream or committing a felony, I'll decide on the way


Bob: I don't have enough energy for this

Teddy: For what?

Bob: *gestures vaguely*

Louise: When will Gene and Tina be back?

Rudy: You've been asking that for two minutes, they've only been gone for two minutes. So stop asking.

Gene: Can I ask a stupid question?

Louise: Better than anyone I know.

Mort: What happens if I press the brakes and gas at the same time?

Teddy: The car takes a screenshot!


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