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Jimmy Jr: tina i was at your house and a i saw a fucking voodoo doll of me with pins pushed through the heart! what's that about?

Tina: i-

Louise: put that back, or else my spell won't work

Jimmy Jr: okay louise, sorry


Gayle: what's going on with global warming?

Frond: don't worry about it, dear

Gayle: okay

Gayle: yay


Linda: vehicular manslaughter is such an easy mistake to make, i'm just a woman!

Tina: i don't agree with manslaughter, i don't think men should laugh

Bob: that's not what she means-

Louise: shh, let her speak!


Tammy: tina, your outfit today is bedazzled yellow jorts and a blue tshirt

Tina: do you like it?

Tammy: not even a little bit!


Gene: guys! imagine if dogs had feet!

Alex: are you high?

Gene: am i what?

Alex: high

Gene: hi!!


Tina: i'm bored

Daniel: me too


Mort: you see that spirit, too?


Louise: tammy, all you are is mean

Tammy: that's rich coming from the most spiteful person i know


Chloe: i feel like louise thinks she's better than me

Louise: because i am! hope this helps


Jocelyn: i invented a new word! slurrrr, it's like slay and purr

Tammy: oh that's not-


Susmita: tina what's wrong?

Tina: i ate a cookie dillion baked and now i can't move

Dillion: i'll give you the antidote if you solve my riddles

Tina: i'd rather die at this point


(during their first date)

Linda: do you wanna go on another one?

Bob: you just told me you stabbed your ex fiance

Linda: aw are you scared? haha!

Bob: yes.


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