18 0 0

Bob, whispering down the aisle: Lin, what kind of chips do you want?

Linda's drunk ass: I'M ALWAYS A SLUT FOR DORITOS

Tina: mom can you pass the Doritos?

Linda: *slides gene across the table*

Judge: how do you plead?

Gayle: *looks over at Linda*

Linda: *mouths "not guilty"*

Gayle: hot and milky!



Tina: language!

Louise: english

Tina: no I mean say it nicer

Louise: can you tell me the whereabouts of the fucking gummy bears

Teddy: here's a list of suspects

Bob: your name is on the list?

Teddy: I don't remember where I was on Friday night, Bobby, I don't have an alibi!

Louise: what if I mixed coffee and cookies?

Bob: or hear me out...what if you didn't?

Rudy: why are your parents sitting back to back

Louise: they got into a fight

Rudy: then why are the holding hands?

Louise: they get sad when they fight

Tina: why do you hurt me with words?

Louise: would you rather me hurt you with fists?

Bob: okay Louise now that you're 18 we need to go over basic first aid, for example, what would you do if I got shot?

Louise: avenge you.

Linda: when you said "magical in bed" this was not what I was expecting

Bob, holding up an ace of hearts: is this your card?

Linda: *gasp* holy shi-

Andy: Ollie, please don't do this

Ollie: sorry Andy I have to

Andy: after all that we've been through?

Ollie: please forgive me

Ollie: *places a +4 card*

Ollie: uno.

Tina: you have really nice eyes Jimmy Jr

Jimmy Jr, suspiciously: thank you...

*Tina leans in for a kiss*

Jimmy Jr: no! You can't have them!

Gene: you fainted, do you remember anything?

Louise: only the ambulance ride to the hospital

Gene: there was no ambulance, I was carrying you

Louise: then why were there sirens?

Gene: that was Tina

Tina: sorry I got scared

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