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Bob: i never know who tina likes, is it jimmy jr? zeke? josh?

Gene: yeah, i wonder who she'll end up with

Linda: you guys don't know?

Louise: it's dillion, guys, everyone knows that!


Tina: God bless you!

Zeke: not lately.


Gene: should we call tina? she could pay our bail

Zeke: hell no, I feel safer in jail!


Tina, sadly: I don't deserve to live

Gene: respectfully, i disagree


Linda: are you okay teeny tina?

Tina, lying on the floor: i'm depressed

Linda: yeah, me too

Linda: wait- no- hi depressed, i'm mom!

Linda: i mean, what's wrong?


Mugger: *points gun* your money or your life!

Linda, giving the mugger her ID: sure thing, you have three kids and live in poverty now!

Mugger: what?

Linda: have fun!


Tina: i dressed to impress today

Louise, not looking up from her comic books: put your clothes back on, tina


Linda: bobby what do you call a water bottle?

Bob: a water bottle?

Linda: now what do you call it?

Teddy: ...virgin vodka


Gene: I can explain!

Tina: can you?

Gene: give me a minute to think of a lie!


Zeke: dad didn't raise no quitter!

Zeke: actually, my dad didn't raise me at all

Zeke: so basically, i'm quitting


Bob: Teddy it's no secret I used to hate you, like, a deep abhorrence.

Bob: I know you gave me a lot of reasons for my derision, and to you, i was a bossy, know-it-all, emo, anti-social, weirdo. One who got a real kick out of telling you what you did wrong. 

Bob: all that to say, as someone who hates being wrong...i'm so, so glad i was wrong about you teddy.


Mr. Frond: What language was "The Odyssey" written in?

Louise: Greek?

Mr. Frond: WRONG, Tina?

Tina: Greek?

Mr. Frond: Correct!


Tina: Can i borrow your clothes for Halloween?

Tammy: Why, are you gonna dress up like me?

Tina: No, I'm gonna dress up like a clown

Tammy: Wait-

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