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Linda: there's three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way, and the Belcher way!

Teddy: what's the Belcher way?

Bob: the wrong way but faster

Jimmy Pesto: Teddy are you independent?

Teddy: *looks at Mort*

Mort: *looks at Bob*

Bob: *nods*

Mort: *looks back at teddy and nods*

Teddy: yeah I'd say so

Gene: you can scream now and no one would notice

Louise: why the hell would I do that?

Tina: it's fun

Linda: you're grounded missy! I don't want you to step your foot out this door!

Tina: okay!

Tina: *jumps out the window*

Frond: how have you been coping?

Louise: sarcasm, mostly

Frond: how has it been working?

Louise: oh it's just been super great

Bob: exhaustion isn't a feeling anymore

Bob: it's my personality

Tina: oh fiddlesticks!

Louise: hey look I know we're all tense but watch your God damn mother fucking language bitch

Louise: at least I'll die doing something I love

Gene: and that thing is?

Louise: being a nuisance

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