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Louise: all girls had that phase where you played online dress up games

Millie: what do you mean "had"

Rudy: what do you mean "girls"

Jimmy Sr: today I was walking down the street and I saw these kids with a pentagram drawn on the floor trying to summon Satan!

Bob: and you're surprised you walked in at that moment?

Louise: what if a snake fell asleep wrong and woke up to his arm feeling like static?

Teddy: how should I ask someone out?

Linda: roses are red, violets are blue, guess what? My bed has room for two

Teddy: God no. Bob any ideas?

Bob: twinkle twinkle, little star, we can do it in my car

Teddy: okay stop.

Mort: row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily I can make you scream.

Teddy: now we're in serial killer territory!

Gene: surprise, motherfuckers!

Tina: some fries, motherfuckers!

Teddy: disguise, motherfuckers!

Linda: supplies, motherfuckers!

Bob: some pies, motherfuckers!

Louise: all rise, motherfuckers!

Gene: dear God there's five of them

Tina: welcome to my world

Louise: wakey wakey eggs and bakey

Jessica: but I'm vegan

Louise: wakey wakey veggies and sadness

Louise: and remember Tina, being a final girl is a state of mind

Linda: what the hell does that even mean?

Rudy: someone stupidly tried to fight a squid at the aquarium!

Louise, covered in ink: maybe the squid was being a dick

Tina: dad why are you smiling? What happened?

Bob: can't I smile because I feel like it?

Linda: Teddy tripped and bumped into Mort and then they both fell into the parking lot

Gene: the stress isn't good for the baby!

Alex: what baby?

Gene: me! I'm a baby!

Mort: I'm tired of the word "butthurt" we're not five anymore

Linda: sounds like someone's fannytroubled

Bob: a little bootybothered, even

Teddy: Mort stop throwing a tushytantrum

Tina: I have to pee but I'm too lazy to get up

Louise: sounds like urine trouble

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