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Linda: Gene, what's going on here?

Gene: well dad's having a midlife crisis, and Tina's just having a crisis

Zeke: T-bird ran away!!

Linda: I've always said she had an adventurous spirit!

Teddy: I'm a failure

Mort: me too

Mort: ...well one of us has to be comforting here

Teddy: and you think it's gonna be me?

Bob: What happened?

Gene: I think I pulled a muscle

Louise: You can't pull what you don't have

Linda: How was school? Did any of the girls get pregnant and drop out?

Louise: Tammy Larsen has been growing a little...

Tina: She's just kidding

Linda: Men don't like funny girls.

Gene, wearing Tina's glasses: How do I look?

Tina, squinting: I have no idea

Louise, trying to be tough: Danger is my middle name

Gene: No it's not!

Tina: Yeah! It's cutie pie:) *boops nose*


Jocelyn: You lied?

Tammy: I may have.

Jimmy Jr.: You may have or you did?

Tammy: I may have did

Zeke: You look like my first wife

Tina: You've been married before?

Zeke: No.

Louise: OH you misheard me

Louise: I'm a paranormal INSTIGATOR

Louise: I'm here to CAUSE hauntings

Linda: We should settle this like civilized adults

Teddy: So, a rap battle?

Linda: Obviously a rap battle!

Bob: *putting on a jacket*

Teddy: My ex-wife used to put on jackets

Bob: Did your ex wife ever tell you to shut the fuck up?

Louise: Are you saying some of us don't have extraordinary gifts, Mr. Frond?

Mr. Frond: No, of course not! You have extraordinary gifts too, Louise

Louise: Like what?

Mr. Frond: Like...your good health! Excellent job!

Rudy: We're best friends, right?

Louise: of course

Rudy: And best friends don't keep secrets from each other, do they?

Louise: Why? What did you do? Was it bad? Did you finally do something bad? Holy crap, I love this!

Bob: Maybe you tell your dream to our neighbor

Gene: Jimmy Pesto? But you said he was a dingbat!

Bob: Mhm

Jimmy Jr.: Why don't you read a book?

Zeke: I've read a book!

Gene: Name three books you've read

Zeke: Boogie Bear, Boogie Bear II, and Boogie Bear III: Return of Boogie Bear

Tina: Zeke, have you never read a book?

Zeke: I've been busy!

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