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I know I said I was taking a break from this account but it's (one of)  my best friends' AriannaMccaman 's birthday!! Having said that it means most (if not all) of this chapter will be Louise, Kristen, and Dan !! I love you Ari ! Go follow her !

Dan: that's baking soda

Kristen: bacon soda? Sounds delicious but I don't think the world is ready for a pork flavored beverage
Generic movie: She was a poem, but he couldn't read

Dan: She was a dancing queen, only seventeen

Eugene: and he was nineteen and never learned how to fucking read

Kristen: when his parents built a strange machine

John Roberts: AYE MACARENA

Jon Benjamin: SHUT THE FUCK UP
Dan: Kristen, what's it like to be a caffeine addict?

Kristen: see those six cars? A caffeine addict would see twelve


Dan: There's three...

Louise: Dad what would you say if one day I came home with five puppies

Bob: Louise...

Bob: Why did this box just bark?

Louise: well...

Dan: Did you even listen to a word I said?

Jon Benjamin: In my defense I've listened to five which is a new record for me!

Bob: Lin, Gene doesn't have a life plan, he doesn't even have a plan

Bob: like today I found a note to himself to put on pants, and it was followed by a question mark

Zeke: okay t-bird go on and assert yourself

Tina: that's my ice cream!

Zeke: great now let them have it!

Tina: you can have it!


Michael: when you've been in the industry as long as me you develop thick skin

Kristen: i unfollowed you on Twitter lol


Louise: okay Tina if you have 10 cookies and I ask for five how many do you have?

Tina: none!

Louise: God Tina it's basic mat-

Tina: because I gave you all the cookies because you deserve them!

Louise, holding back tears: disgusting, get out of my room

Bob: careful with the onions Louise, they'll make you cry

Louise: not if I make them cry first!

Louise: *stabs onion*

John Roberts during any altercation: Can we all please chill out? I'll make espresso!

Jon Benjamin: if you can understand what Dan is saying you're the only one

Loren: BURN

Kristen: wow Jon doesn't understand Dan? Guess now he understands how a book feels


Gene: i broke Louise's Koochi kopi, how long do you think I have to live?

Tina: ten.

Gene: ten what?

Tina: nine.

John Roberts: change is inedible

Kristen: do you mean inevitable?

John, spitting out pennies: no

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