17 0 0

jimmy jr: so tina, how was the dance?

tina: piece of cake!

jimmy jr. : you thought learning that whole dance was easy?

tina: no, i just want a piece of cake.


mr. frond: louise did you break the windows?

louise: i did but it was chloe barbash's fault!

mr. frond: how!?

louise: she ducked when i threw a book at her


Grover:  *stabs Calvin*


Calvin: do you want this knife back or can I keep it?


Gene: your future self is talking shit about you

Louise: well jokes on her, I'll ruin her life !

Linda: I think I forgot something

Ginger: Well if you forgot then it's probably not important

Linda: yeah you're right

Gayle, sitting alone in the rain at 2 a.m: 🧍😞

Gene: Well you've heard that I was a drama queen, right?

Gene: well that's not just a rumour

Gene: it's true.

Linda: You know what missy, you're grounded! Go on top of the refrigerator! Go on!


Tina: Are you okay?

Louise, sobbing: yeah just these damn onions you know?


Tina: Louise, you're cutting tomatoes

Bob, exhausted: *opens pill bottle*

Bob: *pours medications into his hand*

Bob: *opens water bottle*

Bob: *pours water into hands*

Tina: Uhm dad-

Bob: no, no. Gimme a sec. Something's wrong I can feel it.


Mr. Frond: Who should I cast for the lead of the school musical?

Mrs. Labonz: whoever can scream the loudest


Bob: you weren't listening at all were you?

Teddy: ...what an odd way to start our conversation


Linda: what do you normally do when I'm gone?

Gayle, crying: wait for you to come back

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