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Bob: Mort if I died how much would you miss me?

Mort: it's funny you think death would get you out of our friendship
Tina: *screams*

Gene: *screams louder to be assertive*

Louise: *screams even louder for that reason*

Rudy: should we do something?

Millie: nah I wanna see where this goes
Tina: *wakes up to see Louise inches from her face*

Louise: so we had an i- stop screaming- so anyway we had this idea-

Tina: WE!?

Gene, popping up by Louise: yeah so we had an idea-

Tina: dear God there's two of them
Louise: Any song is depressing if you cry to it

Gene: where did you come from, where did you go, where did you come from...*single tear rolls down his cheek* Cotton eyed Joe


Bob: why?
Linda: Go lie down you're sick

Louise: if I was sick could I do THIS



Linda: honey what is it that you're doing?

Louise: cartwheels, am I not doing them?
Louise: I'm like, 80% sarcasm, 10% exhaustion, and 20% not caring

Bob: but that's 110%

Louise: 20% not caring

Bob: shoulda seen that one coming
Linda: do you wanna tell me how you two crashed the car

Tina: I saw a deer so I said, "Zeke! Deer!"


Tina: would you like to tell her your response?


Zeke: "yes, honey?"
Gene: do you know what people ask me?

Tina: please leave the premises?
Louise: can we go to a haunted house?

Tina: is there a problem with the one we live in?

Louise: what?

Tina: what?
Linda: I have high standards

Bob: don't I have a cool moustache?

Linda: Oh no ginger, he's meeting my standards
Gayle: shout out to my parents for making the best daughter to ever exist!

Gene: congratulations to mom !

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