Stranded in another dimension! with duel spirits?!

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Tara's p.o.v.

Tara looked in horror. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. There were sand everywhere. They were not on the academy island. Thats for sure! It looked like that dream they just had. Jaden had let go of her and was down on his knees now. He looked really tired. Who could blame him. He had two duels and got drained a lot. Suddenly the platform began to tip a little and they could actually climb down with a rope. Tara looked around. That golden figure from before was gone now. Tara was the  first one down. The boys and ember tied her up and began slowly to gether down with the rope. When she was down. The others sended Jaden down there and the others quickly climbed down. They were all looking around. 

"I have never seen so much sand!" said Jesse. Ember nodded. They began walking toward the duel academy. The only place they knew. Jaden was supported by Jesse and Jim. Tara was once again piggybacked by Hassleberry. Tara let out a sigh.

"Hope you are comfortable my dino queen!" Hassleberry said in a sweet voice. 

"Yeah of course not!" yelled Tara "I prefer to walk as well! I hope you know this changes nothing between us Hassleberry! I am not in love with you!". He sighed.

"Well one day you will change your mind!" Hassleberry said in a dreaming voice. 

"Yeah dream on!" said Tara and sighed "Just get me inside!". Hassleberry smiled. 

"Your wish is my command!" He said and they walked towards the main entrance. Syrus was walking beside them and was looking up in the sky. 

"You guys why is their three suns in the sky!" He asked. The others shrugged. 

"Well it maybe explains why all this sand is here!" Hassleberry questioned. 

"Yeah I don't understand!" said Alexis worried "Why did all this sand just surround us?!". Tara looked at her and sighed. Maybe she needed to tell them. 

"I don't think thats the case!" said Jim suddenly and pointed at the rock formations close at the school. "Look closely it looks like the cliff is just cut of from the rest! I think it is us who doesn't fit in!". Jaden, Jesse and the others looked in horror. 

"I think it had something to do with that glowing figure I saw!" Jaden said weakly. 

"I saw it too! And I think you are right Jaden!" said Tara and sighed "It or I think it transported us here!". Suddenly a sound could be heard in the background. They others turned around and saw.. the platform from the lap. It was falling down. Tara gulped a little. Lucky they still weren't on that thing. However the platform made a lot of stones fly through the air. They had to run away from there. Suddenly under some rumbles a hand shut out and grabbed Syrus. 

"Ah!" yelled Syrus "A monster! It got me!". Ember had walked over and moved the rumbles. A face was shown. It was Axel! 

"Oh he did survive after all!" said Jaden and smiled happily. Ember switched places with Jim and he, with the help from Alexis, grabbed Axel. 

They arrived at the main gate only to see Crowler and Bonaparte being lifted up in the air by a monster. Tara blinked! No! It couldn't be, but it was true. It was the duel monster spirit "Harpie lady". Crowler and Bonaparte was screaming for help. Suddenly a bright light appeared around Tara and Marshmellow was shown. Hassleberry was blinking his eyes. 

"Wait you can see him!" asked Tara confused Hassleberry. He nodded. The same light appeared behind Jaden. "Winged Kuriboh" appeared. The two spirits began rushing over to the harpie. However Marshmellow couldn't fly and when Kuriboh flew up to it, one scary look and a he was out of there. Tara smiled. Kuriboh had 300 att and Harpie 1300. It was understandable it was running away. 

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