Duel against Marcel part 1 The twins vs Marcel!

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Marcel's p.o.v.

Marcel was sitting in the speaker's room and was grinning evilly. Everything was ready for his showdown with the twins.
"You wait Jaden! I have a nice little gift for your sister when we are gonna duel, and I think you will like it". He grinned evilly again.
"Since that day that I crash landed on earth, I have been trying to fix myself, and get my revenge on you Jaden for sending me away! But first your dear sister! When she is gone Jaden, you would have felt just a little of that pain you have caused me". Marcel smirked evilly and clenched the demon arm. Soon very soon Jaden will be all mine again. 

Tara's p.o.v.

"So this was not just a trick from Marcel?" questioned Tara. She was leaning toward Jaden and was looking at him, while he was arranging his cards for the duel.
"Nope I don't think so" Jaden said and sighed. The others sighed as well.
"Even if it is a trick, Marcel has our friends in his palm Tara my dino queen" Hassleberry said and sighed "Poor Syrus, being a ghoul is not easy".
"Yeah and not to forget mates, he has to reach Marcel in less than 40 minutes" Jim added. The others sighed. Tara looked at his brother. He looked pretty serious.
"So lets go up and find that rainbow dragon" Hassleberry said. Bastion nodded.
"Yeah and figure out how to use it's power, if only Eisenstein didn't break the connections, I could have got more info" He said. He was scribbling in an old paper notebook. Tara looked at him. He looked like he was trying to find a solution. Ember and Alexis was trying to tell Jaden, that it was all a trap and that Marcel couldn't get trusted. Tara was agreeing on the trusting part, however she also knew it was pointless to argue with Jaden right now. He had made up his mind. Secondly Marcel had hit Jaden on one of his weaknesses. His care for his friends! He would do anything to save them. Even if he had to go into a trap to do so.
"I am sorry you guys, but that's a risk I have to take" Jaden said and placed his deck back in the deck case "I can't stand losing more or more of my friends. It is already bad enough they turned into ghouls, I don't want to lose them forever too!".
Tara placed a hand on his shoulder to tell him, she was right with him.
"Yeah that is right Sarge" said Hassleberry and smiled "And therefore we will all go with you! We will beat the hell out of this guy!". All their friends agreed. Jaden looked up and smiled at them, but seconds later, he shook his head.
"I am going alone!" Jaden said, but Tara coughed a little. Jaden sighed "No I mean me and Tara are the only ones going. You see Marcel is just to powerful! It is not that I don't believe in your skills to duel you guys, but Marcel has the sacred beasts now".
"Secondly Jaden and I are the only ones who has faced the beasts, and therefore knows the danger, and are more likely better prepared than any of you" Tara added.
"Yeah but you two beat them!" said Hassleberry "So you just have to do that again".
"But last time, we had a special card" Jaden said slowly and sighed "If we hadn't had that card from Banner, we could never had beaten them". Tara nodded in agreement.
"That's it!" yelled Bastion suddenly and got up on his feets "I have figured it out!".
"Figured what out?" questioned Hassleberry. Bastion smiled in triumph.
"I have figured out how to get us all home!" He said excited "The rainbow dragon has to go up against the three sacred beasts. Just think about it, if the dragon goes up against the beasts, then maybe it's secret power would get activated and we will all get home, however first we should get the card". The others nodded. Jesse decided that he was going to look for the card, since it was his. Axel decided to tag along for protection, but before the team could agree, Ember had yelled out loud that she was going with Jesse and that's final. They had all sighed and agreed. Tara knew Ember could be pretty stubborn, when she first had set her mind to it. Just like herself. The new plan was that Jaden should stall Marcel until the got the card, then Jesse would join them in the duel. Jaden nodded. Tara bit herself in the lip. She was not doubting that Jaden couldn't stall whatever was possessing Marcel. Tara was more worried what it would do to him. She had not forgotten these lustful eyes, and she hadn't told Jaden that. She had decided, he had enough to think about. Tara had a feeling that it wanted Jaden from every means necessary. Not like it was love, okay maybe a little, but Tara still had a feeling Jaden was some kind of trophy, or maybe best friend. That was what she got out from Marcel's eyes. She just hoped he would be careful.
"Um hey fellows, we got visit" Jim said and pointed down one of the tunnels. The duel ghouls were on their way towards them. They were in every tunnel and was about to close in on them. Tara and they others sneered. Their friends Hassleberry (Hyper hammerhead) Alexis (C.a benten) and Jim (F.w skullgios) summoned monsters and tried to blast their way through the ghouls. Tara was about to summon a monster as well, but the others told her to save her strength to help Jaden duel Marcel. They rushed beside the unconscious ghouls and began moving up to the surface. They need to get up to the surface.
"I will stay behind and stop these ghouls mate" Jim said and blocked the path when the duels came up on their feets. He had summoned his "F.w skull knight" to the field. Tara looked in horror.
"Jim!" she yelled. The archaeologist smiled back at her and lifted his hat a little from his head in a greeting.
"Go Tara! Jaden needs you. However when all this ghoul war is over, you have to keep your promise to me right girl" He said and padded Shirley. The alligator growled in agreement. Tara nodded. Jaden grabbed Tara's hand and they all rushed up to the surface.

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