Orbs and pages! Jaden Vs Brron, mad king of dark world.

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Ember's p.o.v.

Ember sighed deeply. The whole group was assembled at the fortress exit.

"Anyone who know where Jaden went?" Axel asked. Jim nodded.

"I think I saw him walking around" Jim said. Atticus nodded.

"Yeah up at that hill" he said and pointed. Ember let out a sigh again. She couldn't help of feeling left out. It was like Jaden had taken them for granted or something.

"Man" said Alexis and sighed. "How long is Jaden gonna be out there". Chazz snort.

"Maybe he is tossing out a find Jesse party up there" He said in a cold tone.

"There is a party up there and we weren't invited" said Ojama yellow and looked disappointed. Ember sighed again. The sound of music could be heard. Atticus was sitting on the ground like all the others, beside Jim and Axel, and playing his ukulele. It didn't sound so good. He was out of tune. However the others where to sad to notice. They were all sighed a lot.

"He said Kuriboh had found something, but he didn't say what" Syrus said.

"Well he didn't have to leave us here in dark now would he" Hassleberry yelled.

"Yeah I know. It is like it is not all for one anymore" said Alexis in a sad tone "I mean we all agreed to come to this world. We all wanna find Jesse! We all wanna save Freed's people, but Jaden is not asking for our advice or our help at all". Ember sighed and agreed. Atticus played another tune on the Ukulele.

"Yeah he can make me so frustrated" said Ember slowly "He is the hero right. But he shouldn't forget about us. It makes me so, so..". Envied! Ember never finished the sentence. The truth is that she was pretty much envied on Jaden. Being the hero and in someway always gets what he wanted. She also wanted to be the hero! She wanted to save everyone! She wanted to find Jesse! But instead she was following Jaden like a little servant or worse. A little dog! Ember didn't notice that a circle with a symbol appeared on her forehead. It resembled the symbols in these orbs that fell down when Zure got beaten and white orbs who suddenly had disappeared.

"Now, now" said Atticus and made another tone on his ukulele. "Okay sure he may take us for granted, but we are still here because we trust the guy. He is yet to let us down". Ember sighed and nodded. Only Jaden was properly capable of finding Jesse. Slowly the mark disappeared from Ember again. Chazz snort.

"Yeah right! I only think Jaden is looking out for two people" He said angry "Himself and Jesse!". Ember and the others sighed.

"Hey you guys" said a voice suddenly and the others looked around "Look what kuriboh found us". Ember saw Jaden sitting on some giant duck and was holding a map. Beside him was other ducks as well. One for each of them. If Ember remembered correctly the ducks name was "Sonic duck" on the duel monster card.

"These ducks will take us to each fortress" Jaden began but Chazz interrupted him. He asked how many goblin fortress he was gonna drag them through and in the end they began arguing. Jaden hoped he could find Jesse in the fortress and the rest of freed's people too. He was not really listening to anything Chazz had to say. In the end he said they just had to trust him and that they should climb up their ducks. The others wanted to talk more about this, but suddenly Jaden began ridding his duck out of here. Ember sneered. He was so damn inpatient. Jim and Axel had also climbed up their duck and told the rest of the group that they were in enemy territory. Then they rushed after Jaden. Ember sighed deeply. So did Syrus. Then suddenly two of the duck's began running and grabbed Syrus and Ember. Ember noticed a glimpse in her duck's eye and sighed deeply. Just great my duck is a pervert! She got tossed on it's back and it began running like hell. Ember grabbed around the neck of it. Syrus had grabbed his duck's scarf and was hanging on to his dear life. Funny enough these two duck's where following each other, like they were best friends or something. Ember just hoped they would stop soon! The others of the group grabbed their ducks as well and followed Ember and Syrus.

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