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Author's Pov:

Tae get downstairs towards private parking lot where only 7 members can come. He get in the car in which jungkook was waiting for him.

"So where do you want to go?" Asked jungkook as he start the car and drove off from parking lot.

"Umm...how about icecream date?" Tae said but suddenly widened his eyes as he registered what he said. He mentally prayed to god that the other didn't heard his last word.

He slowly turn his head towards jungkook who was looking towards the road but the smirk on his face was a clearly sign that he heard the 'date' word.

"Date huh?" Jungkook said as he glance towards taehyung still smirking. As taehyung shut his eyes looking down as he mentally slapped himself.

"Umm..i..i..mean..i.wa-want t-" jungkook laughed at him cutting the younger stuttering.

"Okay pup, we can go on a icecream date. How about we buy ice-creams and eat at our place?" He asked now smiling softly as he again glance at younger then look ahead focusing on driving.

Younger looked at jungkook with blushing cheeks. He nodded shyly as he mumbled a small yes.

The car ride was silent with a soothing melody playing in background. They bought ice-creams and some snacks as they again drove off to their place.

After 30 minutes they reached there as they walked inside with their snacks and ice-creams.
They set everything on the dinning table.

"Okay, now you choose any movie and i will get popcorn for us." Said kook as tae nodded and walked in living room to choose movie.

Kook came after few minutes as they set snacks, icecream and drinks on the near table.

They started to watch movie which younger chooses for them. They completed one movie in which the main lead actor was a detective, he can solve any cases, but he got a case in which they found one old man hanging on the fan lifeless, at first it seems like it was a suicidal case but when the cops couldn't find any suicidal note or any reason for attempting suicide for the old man, they contact the detective and they found out it wasn't any suicidal case it was a murder but in further investigation the detective meet the main lead actress who was once adopted by that dead old man. In the process of daily investigation they grow feelings for eachother, they started spend time together, going on lovely dates but one day detective found out something about the main lead and that was that she was raped in past, not once, not twice nor thrice but for countless times she was raped and it was none another than by that dead old man. But one day she had enough of that old man and started to plan to kill him, to show the world like it was a suicide attempt but  you know truth can't be hidden for long time no. And somehow the main lead, the detective found out that but he was confused what to do, to protect his love or to give justice for that old man but then he thought it will not fair with her love, she was alone, she was innocent, she got raped daily, she has no one to help her, she get nightmare, that bastard break her totally. So he support her, he helped her to forget everything about her past and to rely on him. He show how much he love her, he show her she was the beautiful person ever exist in the world in his eyes that she is not alone anymore, she got him now, no one will harm her now. And at last the case got close, somehow the detective show some proof in court that the old man has attempt to suicide because he has done many crimes in past so in guilt he thought to end his life himself. The main leads got their happy ending.

"How can that old man raped her. For God sake she was his daughter. So what if she was adopted?" Tae said sniffing as his eyes brimed with tears. Jungkook looked at him and brought younger in his embrace to calm him as he rub his back in soothing manner.

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