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Author's Pov:

The beauty who was sleeping on his bed while cuddling the pillow slowly stirred in his sleep. He slowly opened his eyes as he first looked on his side for his love. But he pout when he saw the place beside him is empty.

He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes with his fist and yawned softly.

"Meanie" he mumbled as he wanted to see the elder's face but then he sighed as he know his bun is a buisness man a CEO and has a lot of work to do. He is very proud of elder that in this young age he managed to become a successful ceo.

He looked for his phone and found on bedside table but he furrowed his brow when he saw the sticky note but then smiled brightly as he hurriedly got up and take the note.

Hey pup. Good morning. I know it's probably noon but still. I hope you slept well. Ofcourse you slept well after all you slept in my arms. You know you were looking so cute and Your Cheeks were so squishy that i want to bite your cheeks but again you were sleeping so peacefully that i don't want to disturb you. But next time I'll for sure bite your cheeks. For now i stole one kiss from your cheek, if you want to take revenge for kissing you and to leave your house without informing you and to leave you alone, you know you can also stole many kisses you want from me. I don't mind. I will gladly let you take your revenge till you satisfied love.

Your Bun ❤️

After reading the note, younger's cheeks were bright red like a tomato. He cupped his own cheeks and squealed like a teenager. While his heart was beating crazily.

'love'. He thought.

"He called me love" he mumbled while he happily walked inside his bathroom. "He also stole a kiss from me." He squealed. It's not like he kissed him on his cheeks first time but he was feeling like they are couple, who cuddle, who kissed, not on lips, not yet. He kissed him while he was sleeping peacefully isn't that couple thing? But then he thought.

"other hyungies also kissed me while I was sleeping."

Suddenly his mood got down from happy to a little sad. But again jungkook was different from all his hyungies. He is special. So the kiss was special. Whether it's on his cheeks or forehead. He enjoys sweet gestures that jungkook showered him.

He happily takes a shower and wore a fluffy robe. He walked towars his dressing table and sat on the stool and started to drying his hair with hair dryer as his mind goes to yesterday's event of the intruder then at kook's words about his the 'secret' thing. He sighed and stood up from the stool as he checked his phone and found a text MSG from his bun, he opened and read it.

Hey pup, some of my trusted people will come at your house to set cctv's cameras around your house so, don't freak out when you found some people's at your place. I'll miss you.

                               You don't have to bun.

I have to pup. I can't risk anything when it comes to my closed ones and specially you.

'specially you' This words got stuck in both his head and heart. He smile shyly as he felt giddy.

                               As you wish. Mr. Jeon.

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