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The sky was covered in crimson clouds and black tendrils of resentment. It was pouring rain and the world seemed like it was ending. The man, the one who was said to change the world, had failed. He was alone, laying on the cold hard ground. Covered in his own blood, his peers blood, and the blood of those who he felt he betrayed. He wished to see his real parents. He knew they would be there for him, but right now, he felt he didn't even deserve to be their son.

The only person who he felt was to be by his side was lost within his sect's ways to understand. The man questioned if the person ever loved him to begin with. The man wasn't even sure if he knew what love was anymore. The man just laid there...waiting...just waiting for something to happen. His eyes closed as he felt the pain slowly die away. He wished he could go back and change everything. He wished he could have done better. He even wondered if he was even meant to be born.

The man's body soon turned to ash as the last breath left his lungs. That was when the gods were angered. The man they knew who dedicated his entire life and sacrificed everything, was dead. The man was not suppose to die. He was not suppose to turn into ash like this. That was when, the current Emperor, Jun Wu, declared that his soul was to be reborn. The man would have his chance to live again and right those who have wronged him. The emperor declared that his son, Xie Lian, to help carry out this new prophecy. He agreed.

That night, he spoke with his husband, Hue Cheng, a supreme ghost king, Crimson Rain Sought Flower, about this news. Hua Cheng said he would do anything to help that boy get his life back. That was when Xie Lian told him his father gifted him the ability to conceive a child and that child will have the boy's soul to be reborn as their son. Hua Cheng did not have to be explained to twice. He agreed to do this. He was to help this boy, and have him as his son to share with his Gege.

Hua Cheng and Xie Lian made it happen that night. They made a son and let the boy's soul live again. This boy was formally known as, Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian. He used to be the son of Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze. Now he was the son of heavenly martial emperor's son, Xie Lian, and the Crimson Rain Sought Flower, Hua Cheng. The son was now Hua Ying, courtesy, Hua Wuxian. The Red Prince of the three realms.

The night he was born, a lunar eclipse happened, creating such a strange outlook for the world. The moon being its color from the eclipse, an orange red. The world felt that there was something new to have happened. The world knew that the realms welcomed a new heir. It is yet to be said if it was a good omen or bad. As a birth under a lunar eclipse, meant the fate of the newborn was unknown. They had no fate and could create their own.

When the time was right, Hua Ying gained the memories of his past life, Wei Ying. He felt sorrowful for a while. The sacrifices that were made and the betrayal that it cost him. Hua Ying made it his goal to clear his past life's mistakes and bring to life the justice he deserves. Hua Ying was only thirteen when he received such memories. It was a lot to take in as a young child but he took it in stride.

The one thing that really stuck out to Hua Ying, was this young cultivator named, Lan Zhan, courtesy name, Wangji. This Lan Wangji was a cultivator that had a very rigid and cold exterior but Hua Ying, thought he was someone he could trust.

Why did this Lan Wangji look like he was in pain? Why was he struggling to decide to help Wei Ying or not?

Hua Ying not only has Wei Ying's memories back, but he saw through a mirror called, the mirror of memories, just what Wei Ying went through. Since the two are now one and Wei Ying was now reborn, he was determined to do anything it took. Hua Ying, though, knew he looked all to similar to this, Wei Ying. The only difference, Hua Ying was half god and half ghost. He was one of a kind and he was a very powerful being. Inheriting his Baba and A-Dies abilities and personalities, Hua Ying was stronger than those cultivators. He knew he could avenge Wei Ying.

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