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Because of what happened this morning, Xichen has decided to send a message to Hua Ying's parents. Xichen was grateful that Hua Cheng offered some of his butterflies to Xichen to help stay in touch. Xichen's were turquoise and he was now starting to learn to like these little creatures. Not only are they beautiful to look at, but they are very useful when needed. Once he sent a message to Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, it wasn't long after when he received a reply.

Xie Lian would return soon, as the meeting he was needed at would not take long. He would try to return before dinner time that day. Hua Cheng said he'd try to get back when he could, but he was still working on whatever he could be planning...and if anyone knew Hua Cheng, if he had a plan or thought, he'd get it done, especially if it involves either is Husband or his son. Xichen felt it might have something to with trying to get Jin Guangyao and get his crimes out in the public. If people knew what he was up to, many people in the sects would not tolerate it.

After sending a message to Hua Ying's parents, Xichen went to go speak with his uncle. He wanted to let him know of Hua Ying's development. Let's just say, Lan Qiren was very concerned.

"It seems that Hua Ying is going to be plagued with these memories until this case is solved," Lan Qiren said, "I have to ask, since you have been around him more, what is your opinion on Hua Ying?"

"Well, when I first met him, he was very confident with himself and does not care what others say about him. I guess arrogance would be a word to use but then again he wasn't that way with me or Wangji. It was with Jiang Wanyin. Hua Ying has a playful personality but I've noticed he has a sensitive soul. He is much like Wei Wuxian. Good at hiding how he really feels. The only difference is that his parents are really good to him. If they sense something is wrong with Hua Ying, they are immediately their to help him.

So I feel like the attitude is just a facade. As if he just doesn't want people to walk all over him. Knowing who his parents are, Hua Cheng has that kind of personality to be over protective of those he loves and so Hua Ying is that same way. He just seems confused about who he is."

Lan Qiren nodded, "I see, well, did he tell you anything about his childhood?"

"I think more to Wangji then to me," Xichen replied, "he spends a lot of time with his parents."

"Did you think he was Wei Wuxian at first?" Lan Qiren asked.

"I had some suspicions," Xichen said, "Wangji even more so because Hua Ying knew Wangji's birth name and they haven't crossed paths before. Hua Ying just claimed that he heard about him through other sources."

"Well, I think a lot of people who know Wangji know his birth name," Lan Qiren said, "though to be called his birth name is more intimate and it's something only people in close relationships and family would do."

"Wangji was a bit more agitated, as he tried to demand that Hua Ying return here with us," Xichen explained, "later Hua Ying apologized for his behavior and he told me about his connections with Wei Wuxian."

"Well, he is here now and he seems to be a decent boy," Lan Qiren said, "I feel awful for how I treated Wei Wuxian...you even told me that I was to much, I was too strict to see it. I have a lot of making up to do."

"I think making Hua Ying feel comfortable here would be a good start," Xichen said, "he and Wangji are courting, and they swore to Hua Ying's parents that they would marry some time. I think it was more of an oath that it would happen. Hua Ying's parents just didn't want him to make any mistakes as he and Wangji fell quite fast."

"Well, I don't mind him marrying Wangji," Lan Qiren said, "and who am I to deny a god and prince. If anything we should be grateful that they are giving us this opportunity for an alliance."

"Hua Ying said he plans to live here after they marry, so I guess he is marrying into the sect instead of Wangji marrying out...though I don't know where he would go with Hua Ying," Xichen said.

"Hua Ying is unique, being a god and ghost he has three different locations he can call home," Lan Qiren said, "we can always sit down with Hua Ying's parents after all this mess with Jin Guangyao is dealt with, and talk about wedding plans."

Lan Xichen nodded, "very well."

"You do not have to blame yourself for Jin Guangyao's actions, you were manipulated and that is the biggest form of humiliation to someone with your status. He will be punished for his crimes," Lan Qiren said.

Lan Xichen nodded, "Wangji is having a hard time trusting me."

"Why?" Lan Qiren asked.

"He feels that I helped caused Wei Wuxian's demise and is angry that I trusted someone else other than him, as he is my blood sibling," Lan Xichen said.

"I failed him too," Lan Qiren said, "we have a lot of mistakes that we have to make up for. It's going to take a long time for it all to get better, but it will eventually. It's just trying to get him to trust again."

"I know," Xichen said and stood, "well, I should go check on him and Hua Ying."

"Alright, take care of yourself too," Lan Qiren said.

Lan Xichen nodded before bowing and left. He picked up Hua Ying and Wangji's breakfast that he had the kitchen staff prepare and delivered it to them. Hua Ying was feeling a bit better then how Xichen last saw him, but he was still hurt. He stuck around for a while, even after the two ate and just spent some quality time with them.

The Red Prince: Hua YingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin