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Lan Wangji and Hua Ying managed to get Jin Ling to his room reserved at the inn he was staying at. Just as they settled him down on the bed, Hua Ying could sense something dark connected to Jin Ling. He removed his boots and saw part of a curse mark on Jin Ling's leg.

"Lan Zhan!" Hua Ying said, "this will not go away unless the thing that cursed him is gone."

"This is a hard curse to break but it can be done," Wangji told him, "let me get prepared." Before Wangji could set up his guqin, he saw Hua Ying remove the curse from Jin Ling's leg and transformed it to himself, "are you dumb?"

"Look, it's not ideal, but it will keep the kid from getting into more trouble then he probably already is," Hua Ying said, "we should get back to our room and we can take care of the curse there."

Lan Wangji sighed. He grabbed Hua Ying's arm and led him out the door. As they reached their room, the two heard footsteps from behind them. Hua Ying turned around and saw Jiang Wanyin.

Wei Wuxian! Go to hell!

Hua Ying placed his hands over his ears, "please get me out of his site, fast," Hua Ying begged. Lan Wangji nodded and pulled Hua Ying into their room. He then sat Hua Ying down on his bed.

"Are you alright?" Lan Wangji asked.

Hua Ying looked into Lan Wangji's eyes. He could see the flash back of his face. He was desperate to get Wei Wuxian to go back to Gusu with him. He was desperate to keep Wei Wuxian from falling to his death, but it was all in vain as Jiang Wanyin caused Wei Wuxian's final blow and fell.

"Voices, all I hear is voices, Lan Zhan," Hua Ying answered, "I hear voices...and I can see that night play out in my head...like I was there, but it was Wei Wuxian who was there."

Lan Wangji sat down beside Hua Ying and pulled him into a hug, "you are suffering from post trauma from his memories. Wei Ying was in a lot of pain."

"I just want to go back to being my shameless, happy self," Hua Ying said into Wangji's shoulder.

Lan Wangji's lips curved into a soft smile, "you can be shameless even in the worst of moods."

"Yes," Hua Ying said, "but I do not want to be shameless right now...I'm a bit tired."

"You can rest, I can help cleanse this curse mark on your leg," Wangji told him, "your parents will be here soon anyway, I'm sure they will help remove what is left of the curse."

Hua Ying nodded, "can...I ask you a question?"


"Back then...did you believe in him?" Hua Ying asked, "aside from the cultivation that he had no choice but to use, he thought he did was the right thing, but when I think about it...saving innocent people...they just tend to get hurt sooner or later."

"I did," Wangji told him, "I believed in him. I stopped caring about the methods he used. I worried about his health in general, his mind, his ability to keep moving forward," Lan Wangji saw Hua Ying nod, he then smiled softly at him, "I believe in you as well, Hua Ying."

Hua Ying looked into Wangji's eyes, "what? I don't think I have done anything."

"I still believe in you," Wangji said, "you are a very strong-willed person. You have a sensitive soul, which is who you are, but you have confidence when you need it."

"Are you going to ask me what happened when I was losing control?" Hua Ying asked.

"I figured you would tell me if you wanted to," Wangji said, "you do not have to if you don't want. That is why I did not ask or pressure you."

The Red Prince: Hua YingWhere stories live. Discover now