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Hua Ying saw a man, tall and slender. His eyes were gentle and dark, and his face bears a calm smile. The man wore white robes and forehead ribbon that had cloud motifs embroidered on it. The weapons on his waist, were a Xiao that he could see the engravings of, Liebing and a sword with the engraving, Shuoyue. With the memories of Wei Wuxian, Hua Ying recognized the man to me the sect leader to The GusuLan Sect, Lan Huan, courtesy name, Xichen. He also goes by the name, Zewu Jun.

Standing beside him, was someone Hua Ying figured he'd run into eventually, but not this soon, the Second Master of the Gusu Lan Sect, Lan Zhan, courtesy name Wangji. He also has an honored titled by the name of, Hanguang Jun.

Lan Wangji was an exceptional beauty, with fair skin and black hair. The outlines of his waist and back are smooth and graceful, yet strong. He has light golden eyes and long eyelashes, and dresses in the characteristic white robes and forehead ribbon of the Gusu Lan Clan. As a youth, he ranks second on the list of young cultivator gentlemen of his generation.

In his youth, Lan Wangji is stubbornly obedient to the rules of his clan, to the extent that he punishes himself for stepping outside the Cloud Recesses at night alongside Wei Wuxian, although Wei Wuxian had actually pulled him outside when tumbling off a wall. However, Lan Wangji does break the rules if they contradict his personal sense of justice.

Lan Wangji has a strong moral compass. He does not care to gain fame and glory from night-hunting; he goes wherever people need help or, as other cultivators comment, "wherever the chaos is." Although society declares that the remnants of the Qishan Wen Clan have to die, Lan Wangji rescues the innocent child Lan Sizhui and raises him as a member of the Gusu Lan Clan.

Lan Wangji is stubborn from childhood on, insisting on visiting his mother's house after she passes away, even after knowing she would not return. However, internally, Lan Wangji is a passionate person who feels deeply. After kissing the blindfolded Wei Wuxian, he is so distraught at his own behavior that he attacks trees to vent his frustration. After Wei Wuxian's death, Lan Wangji becomes drunk for the first time in his life in an attempt to understand why Wei Wuxian enjoyed the taste, and, in a fit of grief, brands his own chest with the iron of the Qishan Wen Clan.

He notices small but important details, such as the maple leaves that indicate another exit from the cave of the Xuanwu of Slaughter, and that the Water Ghosts have led them to the center of Biling Lake. Lan Wangji's love for Wei Wuxian reveals his selfless nature. After he risks his own life to save Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji confesses his feelings. The traumatized Wei Wuxian responds only by repeating "get lost." Nevertheless, Lan Wangji fights thirty-three elders from his own clan to protect him.

Hua Ying felt a warmth in his chest that he has never felt before. The moment his light crimson eyes met with Lan Wangji's, it was like he could feel that he mourned for sixteen years. He could feel the pain that Lan Wangji had suffered through. It was also like all the memories that Wuxian and him had, were of Hua Ying and Wangji. Which could technically be a thing. Though, Hua Ying had this feeling that Lan Wangji would not want him because he was not his Wei Ying.

"Sect Leader Lan, Lan Er Gongzi," Jiang Cheng said, "of course you two would show up. Always appearing when there is trouble or a problem."

Hua Ying scoffed, "Sect Leader Jiang? Am I correct?" He asked, "why are you such an ass?"

Nan Feng chuckled. Hua Ying looked at him, "oh, sorry, you swearing is a bit much."

"Is it?" Hua Ying asked.

Hua Ying heard a sizzling noise, "who are you?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"No one," Hua Ying answered.

"We came because we saw cultivators were trapped in the Jin Sect Trapping nets," Lan Xichen explained trying to defuse the situation.

"Already taken care of," Hua Ying said, "my Shushu and I took care of those who were stuck in nets here."

"Uncle Jiang, can I cut this person?" Jin Ling asked.

"Be my guest," Jiang Cheng replied.

Hua Ying scoffed, "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said, "you might get hurt. Your cultivation is too low to fight against me."

Lan Wangji glanced at Hua Ying. It has been some time since he has been around someone arrogant but for a better purpose. Seeing the sixteen year old, ghost white skin, raven black hair, slim figure, robes that are black, red and white with a mask to match. He even caught a glimpse of Hua Ying's eyes, his father Hua Cheng's Crimson eyes. Lan Wangji did not know who this person was but he found his beauty to be fairly outstanding. Though, it was not his Wei Ying.

Instead of Jin Ling, Jiang Cheng unleashed a weapon that Hua Ying wasn't familiar with but Wei Ying was, Zidian. A spiritual whip of purple lightning that is conducted through the amount of spiritual energy used. The purple whip lashed down on Hua Ying, but to everyone's surprise, except for Hua Ying and Nan Feng, Hua Ying grabbed the whip between his pointer finger and middle finger of his right hand. The energy from the whip was just a tickle compared to what Hua Ying was used to. He dealt with Holy Lightning before, so this whip, was nothing.

"I said, I am not up for fighting," Hua Ying said, "and I also said, I do not want to fight with someone who has too low of cultivation compared to me. It would be unfair to my opponent," Hua Ying tossed the whip back, causing it to whip Jiang Cheng's arm. So, therefore, he was wounded by his own weapon.

"Are you alright, Xiǎo Ying?" Nan Feng asked holding Hua Ying's face in his hands.

"Feng Shushu, I am fine," Hua Ying replied with a soft giggle.

"Xiao Ying?" Lan Wangji asked curiously.

"My name is Hua Ying," He introduced to Wangji and Xichen, "I am just a rogue cultivator who is traveling with my uncle, Nan Feng."

"Hua Ying?" Xichen asked, "it's a nice name."

"Jin Ling, let's leave," Jiang Cheng said. Jin Ling huffed and walked off with him.

"I take it you are night-hunting?" Hua Ying asked Lan Xichen.

"Yes, there have been reports of corpse sightings near here," Lan Xichen explained.

"I was on my way to Tiannu Temple with Feng Shushu. I was told there have been issues there lately involving spirit snatching," Hua Ying explained.

"Mind if we tag along?" Lan Xichen asked.

Hua Ying looked at Nan Feng. He just shrugged. Hua Ying looked back at the two Lan brothers, "sure, why not. The extra hands is always handy."

"Very well," Lan Xichen said.

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