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Jin Guangyao knew that he could not make any decisions now. He does not know what Hua Ying is capable of. One wrong move and he knew he was finished. He didn't know how long he had before Hua Ying's parents arrived. Jin Guangyao had to try and talk his way out.

"You say you are Wei Wuxian's reincarnation, so tell me, why did he give up his sword all those years ago? How did he get that Yin Hu Fu?" He asked.

Hua Ying couldn't help but laugh, "how did I get the amulet, I made it," he said, "it was said there were four yin shards but that was to be false. The fifth piece lies with Xuanwu. Which I just so happened to her when Lan Zhan and I killed it."

"You are quite cocky," Jin Guangyao said.

"So, I do not belong to any sect. I am known to be free to do as I please. I am the prince of the three realms after all," Hua Ying told him, "my A'Die is Hua Cheng, he is known for taking on thirty-three or so heavenly officials and won. My Baba ascended three different times but he is now very respected because of what he does. My parents encourage me to be my free spirited self every day."

"As I heard you were engaged, it isn't very Lan of you," Jin Guangyao told him.

"Who are you to say that?" Hua Ying questioned.

"Well, they pride themselves for their rules and strict teaching. I'm surprised that they allow you to be apart of the sect. As for Hanguang Jun. You say he loves you, but he loved Wei Wuxian, and you are just his lookalike. Who is to say that he is just using you for your looks?" Jin Guangyao asked.

Lan Xichen was appalled, he angry, "Jin Guangyao, how can you say such things! Hua Ying and Wei Ying are the same person. Wei Wuxian will always have a place in my brother's heart, but he loved Hua Ying for who he is not for who he looks like."

Hua Ying was getting tired for this Jin's words. He knew that Jin Guangyao was trying to get him upset and angry. He was trying to get Hua Ying distracted. Hua Ying sighed and snapped his fingers. He summoned the Yin Hu Fu that was hidden in Jin Guangyao's robes and destroyed it with just another snap of his fingers.

"I am getting bored of your words," Hua Ying said. He was going to say more but then his body became to feel hot and somewhat suffocating.

Hua Ying, I feel like I can be more at peace now from here. You and I are meant to be one person. So it is time that our souls completely merge into one. I am sorry that I have caused you some pain and grief. I am very grateful for what you have done. As for Lan Zhan, he loves you so much. Cherish him, and with our souls complete again, I can help you do that. Thank you.

Hua Ying fell to his knees as he felt dizzy. Lan Xichen caught him and helped him down slowly. He stayed down beside him, "what is wrong?" He asked.

Hua Ying smiled after he felt the dizziness die down and his body felt whole again, "I am whole again. I can live freely without Wei Wuxian's soul trying to push me. We merged. He felt at peace. Whether Jin Guangyao had died or not, he felt content enough that he trusts us to finish what we started. I'm better."

"I'm proud of you," Xichen said.

Hua Ying nodded. Hua Ying's parents and Lan Wangji had just arrived in a pile of silver butterflies. Hua Ying's eyes widened as he saw Jin Guangyao moving towards them with a sword in hand. He was going to hurt Lan Xichen. He immediately shoved Xichen aside and felt the sword pierce his chest. It was just near his heart but it missed.

Jin Guangyao smirked, "I knew you would shove him aside."

"Hua Ying!" Wangji said. In a flash of white light of Bichen's sword glare, a scream of pain was heard.

The sword that struck Hua Ying fell to the ground along with the hand that held it. Hua Ying looked up to see that Wangji had cute Jin Guangyao's arm off at the shoulder. Hua Ying new he wasn't going to die as he was part ghost. He felt faint though as he crumbled further to the ground. Lan Xichen grabbed him and laid his head on his lap.

"You self-sacrificing fool," he said.

"I will be fine," Hua Ying said just before his world went dark.

He wasn't sure what was going to happen. He didn't know how long he was out cold either. When he woke up, his nose was filled with the familiar smell of sandalwood. The room was also familiar. It was Wangji's Jingshi. Hua Ying didn't know what happened. He groaned as he felt fatigued.

A warm yet gentle hand grabbed onto his and a soothing baritone voice spoke to him, "Hua Ying, you are awake?"

Hua Ying's eyes adjusted and he looked at the man who spoke. He smiled, "Lan Zhan, what happened?"

"You fainted. You were out for five days. Your parents assure my brother and me that you will be fine after some rest," Wangji answered.

"Jin Guangyao? Su MinShan?" Hua Ying asked.

"Dead," Wangji replied, "your A'Die is a bit frightening when provoked."

Hua Ying chuckled, "at least everyone is safe right?"

"Mnn," Wangji nodded.

"Are you okay? And your brother?" Hua Ying asked.

"Brother was selected as the new Xiandu. He has been doing his best to clean up the mess Jin Guangyao made. Although he resides here in Gusu, he is spending a lot of his time in Lanling to help Jin Ling adjust to his new role as Sect Leader, as he is quite young. Uncle and I are dealing with sect affairs until he returns. Uncle is allowing me some leeway though so I can be with you while you recover," Wangji explained, "as for me, I am okay now that you are awake."

Hua Ying smiled, "before we left the hotel the following day for the temple. I had an interesting conversation with my parents."

"Like what?" Wangji asked.

"I...asked their experience in intimacy," Hua Ying replied and his his face with his hands.

Wangji chuckled, "we have a while before that happens. We can discuss it though, but I want you to finish recovering first."

"I know," Hua Ying said, "can you lay with me?"

Wangji smiled, "how is the pain first?"

"It will feel better if I have my Hanguang Jun holding me," Hua Ying pouted.

Wangji could only snort and shake his head before laying beside him, "better?"

Hua Ying snuggled close with him, "yes...Wei Wuxian's soul merged with mine and we are whole now...he said he loves you."

Lan Wangji smiled, "thank you," Wangji replied, "I do love him, but you are him are the same. Therefore I love my Hua Ying."

"When we marry, you cannot get rid of me," Hua Ying warned.

"I am aware," Wangji said, "and I have no intention on doing that."

The Red Prince: Hua YingWhere stories live. Discover now