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Lan Xichen spent some time in the Hanshi thinking about the past and how it effects everything today. Thinking back to the first time Lan Wangji met Wei Wuxian, he knew there was something special about the two. Lan Xichen felt that guilt inside of him start to build.

Lan Xichen is not yet twenty when Wen Xu approached the Cloud Recesses to accuse Qingheng-Jun of wrongdoing. He commands that they burn their residence so that it could be "reborn from the firelight," and breaks Lan Wangji's leg when he refuses. Lan Xichen ultimately flees to save the most precious scrolls from their library, and his father is so severely injured that he languishes into a coma for a while before dying.

Lan Xichen is ultimately rescued by Jin Guangyao, who was at that time had gone by the name Meng Yao, in circumstances that he humorously refers to as the shame of a lifetime. Lan Xichen struggles to learn how to wash clothes while in hiding, as his prodigious arm strength causes him to accidentally tear the cloth. Meng Yao does the washing instead, concerned that someone else might recognize the cloud patterns and endanger Lan Xichen.

He spent a lot of time with Meng Yao, and he helped him with his sword skills while they were in hiding. They made plans to get Meng Yao into the Scorching Sun Palace and be a spy for them during the Sunshot campaign. Lan Xichen wondered of Meng Yao's motives back then. He saw Nie Mingjue injured quite severely and he was close to cutting Meng Yao's head off his shoulders.

He didn't want to see it then, and he believed that Meng Yao had no choice for whatever happened. He did what he had to to survive. Later Nie Mingjue was still not enthused by Meng Yao, even after the three became sworn brothers, Xichen hoped it would help them rekindle their friendship but it did the opposite.

At that time, Xichen was dealing with the situation with his sworn brothers, all the while dealing with the aftermath of the ambush of Cloud Recesses and his brother was having trouble with Wei Wuxian. Lan Xichen couldn't figure it out. Knowing that they have proof of Jin Guangyao framing Wei Wuxian, he questioned why.

He realized that Nie Mingjue died of a Qi Deviation brought on by music Jin Guangyao mixed with Cleansing that Xichen had taught him. To Xichen, it had become clear, he was part of the reason Nie Mingjue died. He helped aid it and he didn't even realize it.

Also to think that he broke his trust with Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian were butting heads. Wei Wuxian started taking an unorthodox path and stopping using his sword. He even tried to talk to Wei Wuxian. His reasoning back then was because he worried for his brother and did not even consider Wei Wuxian's side. He even went as far as calling the man selfish for choosing a path that he had no choice but to take.

Lan Xichen was also part of the group that took Siege on Wei Wuxian. Because of that, Wei Wuxian died and his brother broke into millions of pieces. He only now realized that he was part of the blame for that, and he could not stop the whipping from happening. Lan Wangji defended Wei Wuxian and suffered from the discipline whip for it. As the sect leader and his older brother, he had the power to stop it but he was held back by his elders. He never wanted to be put in that position again, even Lan Wangji.

When he first sat down with Hua Ying when they first met, he had suspicions and doubts. He saw Hua Ying remove his mask and he immediately started thinking that a murderer was sitting before him. He gave Hua Ying the benefit of the doubt and let him talk. What he didn't expect was to hear of the truth about Wei Wuxian and his sacrifices.

Lan Xichen immediately felt ashamed of himself the moment Hua Ying left him that day. He knew then that he was a terrible brother and wondered what on earth happened. He now has information on that. A man that he had known to respect was behind it all. Jin Guangyao placed him and he felt so terrible. Because of trusting Jin Guangyao, he lost his Da-Ge and he lost the trust of his Didi.

"Er-Ge?" He heard a man say.

Xichen forced a fake smile that looked all too real to the man before him, "A'Yao, what brings you here?" He asked.

"I have been meaning to give this back to you," Jin Guangyao said and set his Jade token on the table in front of him.

"What is this about?" Xichen asked.

"I just felt that I have had it for too long and I don't think I should have it anymore," Jin Guangyao said, "I have become far to busy to really stop by enough to need it."

Lan Xichen knew that this was not the real reason but he did not say that, "if you are certain," Xichen said.

"I have been wanting to ask, is Wangji working with that Hua Ying fellow?" Jin Guangyao asked.

"I don't know, why?" Xichen asked, "that was the first time I saw the two together," Lan Xichen was now really lying through his teeth and hoped to god that Jin Guangyao didn't see through his lies.

"His parents, I feel are going to be a problem, even Hua Ying himself," Jin Guangyao said.

"Why do you say so?" Xichen asked. As he asked he saw both and red and silver butterfly hiding within Jin Guangyao's had. He tried holding back a grin as he knows that both Hua Ying and his father are listening.

"His parents are extremely powerful, one is a supreme ghost king, the other is a heavenly martial god, if Hua Ying is their kid, he is part god and ghost. He is dangerous," Jin Guangyao.

"I did not get that impression from being beside Hua Ying. And I saw him being around Wangji. I trust Wangji's judgement and he seems to trust Hua Ying. Who am I to get in his way of being with his friend?" Xichen asked.

Jin Guangyao nodded, "very Well, I did come here to tell you that at the next discussion conference, we will be discussing about a possible second siege on the burial mounds. There have been reports of puppets lately and many have suspected that Wei Wuxian may have returned."

"Wei Wuxian had been dead for sixteen years, why would anyone think he is alive today?" Xichen asked.

"It's what people are speculating, and I am asking if you can help me clear that up?" Jin Guangyao asked.

Xichen sighed, "of course, it is next week?"

"Yes," Jin Guangyao replied as he stood, "I appreciate it, Er-Ge."

Lan Xichen nodded and saw him out. He then watched the two butterflies fly off as it they were never seen. Xichen then made his way back over to the Jingshi as he knows that Hua Ying and his parents, along with Wangji will want to talk about this.

The Red Prince: Hua YingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant