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Hua Ying put his mask back on while Lan Wangji remained silent. Hua Ying could tell he was conflicted, "Hanguang Jun, do you know why Wei Wuxian never used his sword after he came back after three months of being missing?" He asked.

"Spiritual energy seemed to be impaired in some way, not sure what it is thought," Lan Wangji answered.

"As I have his memories and looked back on his past, do you wish to know the truth?" Hua Ying asked, "I have to warn you, it is not a pleasant story to hear and you have to know, he never told anyone so you do not blame yourself for anything."

"Please tell me," Wangji says.

Hua Ying nodded, "after the massacre of Lotus Pier, Wei Wuxian and his two sworn siblings were the only three who survived. They hid at an inn in Yiling. Jiang Yanli fell sick so Wei Wuxian went to go buy medicine. Jiang Cheng was gone when Wuxian came back. He found Jiang Cheng back at Lotus Pier. He took him and Yanli to a secret supervising office where Wen Ning and Wen Qing were staying at. They found out that Jiang Cheng's golden core was destroyed by Wen Zhuliu. After several days of searching, Wei Wuxian found a scroll on a theory on golden core transfers."

"He found what?" Wangji asked.

"He tricked Jiang Cheng into going to mountain in Yiling, saying he could find Wuxian's grandmother and grandmaster, Baoshan Sanren. As he was blindfolded, Wen Qing knocked him out with a fragrance. Wei Wuxian gave his golden core to Jiang Cheng," Hua Ying explained, "and I have to tell you, he could not use anesthetics as it could affect the golden core, so he was awake for two nights and a day. The chances..."

Lan Wangji's heart felt like it was going to explode in his chest, "what were the chances?" He asked.

"Fifty percent," Hua Ying answered.

"Fifty percent?" Lan Wangji asked.

"Several days after the surgery, he was captured by Wen Chao...he tortured Wei Wuxian.l and let several of his men, even maidens, take advantage of him...sexually...Wen Chao used his fear of dogs against him, set hounds on him, chasing him through the woods like some sort of sick game. Then when Wen Chao felt he had enough, he took Wei Wuxian high up above the burial mounds and tossed him in. Wei Wuxian technically died once he hit the ground. He was only alive because the resentful energy helped him live.

As you can tell how the rest of his life played out...he was framed for killing Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun. He was framed for that stupid hundred holes curse. He lost everything and he felt alone. Wangji, I want you to know, if you are berating yourself right now, do not. You could not have known and you had your hands tied. He does not blame you. That I can tell you. As I hear him babbling to me all the time, he wants you to know that it was his choice not to come forward. I'm sorry that he is gone and that is why I need to know if you are willing to help me. I need your help to clearing Wei Wuxian's name and giving him the justice he deserves. He is not at peace which is why you cannot reach him in inquiry."

Lan Wangji broke down. The man who he loved so deeply and dearly was struggling and never told anyone. Lan Wangji was furious. He wanted to clear Wei Wuxian's name now more than ever.

"I will help you," Wangji agreed.

Hua Ying saw tears falling down Wangji's face. He got up and knelt beside him and pulled him into a hug, "I'm so sorry about your loss, Wangji...he told me that he only pushed you way more because you were so righteous and pure. He did not want to taint you....he actually loved you, Wangji."

Lan Wangji was not expecting to be comforted. He hasn't been comforted in a very long time...perhaps when his mother first passed away, but that was it. He was healing from a punishment when his older brother tried to comfort him after Wei Wuxian's death. Lan Wangji would not accept it then. Hugging Hua Ying, it was like he was beside Wei Wuxian again. His soul was with Hua Ying, and so, Wangji wanted to cherish that. He did not want to give Hua Ying the wrong impression of him but knowing that Wei Wuxian is right here, it was hard to let go.

Hua Ying needed to understand how this connection with him and Wei Wuxian worked. Sitting here, holding Wangji and comforting him was something he was actually enjoying. Lan Wangji had a warmth about him that Hua Ying had never felt before. He knows the warmth of the love his parents give him, but this feeling was different. It was as if that warm was Wangji's heart hugging his and the warm was just so sweet and comfortable.

As he sat there hugging Wangji, he just let Wangji cry into his shoulder. Lan Wangji needed it. He was having such an inner turmoil at the moment and his heart was broken from what he had just learned about Wei Wuxian. As Hua Ying was hugging Wangji, he set a butterfly out to his parents, asking them to help him more with understanding the connection he has with Wei Wuxian. It was the least he could do for Lan Wangji at the moment. As well as clearing the man's name.

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