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((There are spoilers of Hua Cheng and Xie Lian's story from TGCF/Heaven Official's Blessing. Continue reading if you do not mind the spoilers but Hua Ying is going to open up more to Lan Wangji in this chapter..maybe in the next few. I will let you know if that happens.))

Hua Ying and Lan Wangji eventually got up and got dressed. They had to get back to this mission of theirs. Lan Wangji wanted to make sure Hua Ying had a proper meal first, so he ordered breakfast before they were to head out. Hua Ying was hesitant, as a god, he did not need to worry about that. As a god, he usually ate foods from his realm that contained ambrosia, which is known as the food for gods. It is a nectar and also can be a fragrance. Ambrosia was also known for granting immortality if it were consumed by mortals. It is forbidden in their world, so other forms of nectar are used to help feed the gods and goddesses who visit the realm. They also have their own way of making their food. They had to make it themself with their own ingredients from their world. Most of the time, many gods and goddesses get sick on consuming mortal food. Hua Ying was slightly different. Being half ghost, he did not really need food at all, and mortal food does not irritate him too much as long as it is the right food.

"A'Zhan, what food did you order?" Hua Ying asked.

"Congee and some steam buns with tea," he answered.

Hua Ying sighed, "You know being a god, I cannot just consume any random mortal food, right?"

Lan Wangji blinked, as he was not really all that educated on the celestial realm and how gods and goddesses are to live, "How would I know?" He asked.

"So, being half ghost, I do not need to worry about eating, but for strength, I eat because I am half god," Hua Ying explained, "Most gods get sick from consuming mortal food. We have our own foods that we grow that is consumable for us. Mostly, we eat something called Ambrosia or even just a simple nectar. If I were to eat mortal food, it has to be specific or I cannot eat it...unless you want me bedridden for several days in stomach pain and a horrible fever."

"So, what can you eat?" Lan Wangji asked, "If I were to get something that is suitable for you?"

"Luckily, I brought food for myself...I didn't realize that you did not know...I apologize for my negligence, and I can pay for the meal to bought to make up for it," Hua Ying told him.

"It is alright," Wangji said, "I know this now...wait ambrosia?"

"It is forbidden in the mortal realm, so no worries. I brought something else that is suitable for me," he said and pointed to his necklace.

"What does a necklace have to do with any of this?" Wangji asked.

"It's called Nirvana (Nièpán), it's enchanted with a charm I created so I can store items in it," Hua Ying explained.

"It's called Nirvana (Nièpán), it's enchanted with a charm I created so I can store items in it," Hua Ying explained

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