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"San Lang, can you let me do more of the talking first?" Xie Lian asked as they arrived at Cloud Recesses.

"Of course, Gege, if he doesn't get me angry first," San Lang (Hua Cheng) said.

"You know this is important for our son," Xie Lian said, "I know this Lan Qiren, wasn't kind to him in his past life but we have to give him the benefit of the doubt."

"Fine," San Lang said.

"You are unable to enter without authorization from our leader or another member of the head family," the disciple at the gate said.

Before either of them could speak, Lan Xichen appeared in a sea of red butterflies, "I had to have Hua Ying zap me here. They can enter," Xichen said, "let me lead you inside, and the four of us can talk."

Xie Lian nodded, "you are okay with the two alone?"

"I trust my brother very much," Xichen said, "he cares about Hua Ying and he keeps to his word very well."

"I suppose we need to spend some time with him," Xie Lian said.

"I actually trust him," San Lang said, "I am not worried when I know he is with A'Ying."

Xie Lian nodded, "I know, as the one who birthed him, it's natural for me to worry a bit more."

"To be honest, it's nice to hear that Hua Ying has a lot of love and support," Xichen said, "I was a bit concerned about Wei Wuxian and how he seemed to be fine but something didn't sit well with me when he was around his family from the Jiang sect. When I found out about how he was treated it made me feel sick."

"Hua Ying is a sweet kid," Xie Lian said, "even Wuxian was."

"It's a shame he ended the way he did," Xichen said as they reached the Elegance room, "this is where we hold small meetings with our disciples parents if they need to meet up. I will go get Shufu."

San Lang and Xie Lian sat down as they waited. Xichen soon returned with Lan Qiren, "Shufu, this is Xie Lian and San Lang," Xichen said.

Lan Qiren nodded and sat down. He watched Xichen place a privacy barrier over the room, "what's this about?"

"This is actually about Wei Wuxian," Lan Xichen said as he sat down.

"Why bring him up. He died years ago, and for good reason," Lan Qiren said.

Xie Lian grabbed San Lang's hand as he didn't want him to do anything at the moment, "that is why my husband and I are here."

Lan Qiren looked at the two, "husband? How are you two involved with Wei Wuxian?"

"I am Heavenly Martial Emperor Xie Lian, and this My husband, goes my San Lang, but his name is Hua Cheng, otherwise known as one of the four great calamities, Crimson Rain Sought Flower. Our son and prince of the three realms goes by the name Hua Ying. A little over sixteen years ago, after Wei Wuxian's death, the Gods were furious about the injustice he endured. They asked me and my husband for help. I was blessed to be able to conceive a child and I was pregnant with Hua Ying.

"Hua Ying is a bit unique. He was a reincarnation of Wei Wuxian but since Wei Wuxian's soul was never given peace, it caused an issue for Hua Ying. It's as if Hua Ying has his own soul and Wei Wuxian soul just resides there with him. Wei Wuxian's soul is supposed to be one with Hua Ying's but since Wei Wuxian was framed his soul cannot move on.

He and Lan Wangji met up again recently. Lan Wangji like Hua Ying as he is, whether he is Wei Wuxian or not. What we want if for our son to be free from this suffering and be happy. He and Lan Wangji are actually courting and we would love it if you would learn to accept Hua Ying."

Lan Qiren sighed as he took in the information, "how was Wei Wuxian framed?"

Xie Lian explained the torture that Wei Wuxian endured, the moment he left Cloud Recesses after those lectures all those years ago, to him giving up his golden core for his sworn brother, to helping innocent Wen remnants, to fighting alone against the sects for a crime he did not commit.

"Why didn't Wei Wuxian say anything to anyone?" Lan Qiren asked.

"To be honest, we think it has to do with how he was raised. He was abused by Yu Ziyuan behind closed doors. Sometimes the others even knew of the abuse and they just let it happen. Wei Wuxian never spoke of his pain as he felt he was not worth the trouble. He endured it and he still cared for these people. He died for them. He gave up everything for them and they made him feel alone and worthless if life."

"Is there a chance I can meet Hua Ying?" Lan Qiren asked.

"Let me go get him," San Lang said and disappeared as silver butterflied came and went. He soon returned with Wangji and Hua Ying. Since they had there privacy, Hua Ying took off his mask.

"Hello Grandmaster Lan," Hua Ying greeted, "my name is Hua Ying."

Lan Qiren stood up and looked at the boy in front of him. He even circled him a couple times as he was impressed with how identical he looked to Wei Wuxian.

"It's nice to meet you Hua Ying," Lan Qiren finally said, "I was told you were engaged to my nephew."

Hua Ying cleared his throat, "I am, but I would love it if I could have your blessing," he said with a bow, "Lan Zhan is the one I love. In my past life, in this life, and in the next life to come. Even in the next several lifetimes."

Lan Qiren was impressed with how polite Hua Ying was, but he didn't let that fool him too much. If he was a reincarnation of Wei Wuxian he has to be mischievous in some way.

"I approve," Lan Qiren said pulling Hua Ying up from his bow, "just protect and love him and he will do the same for you."

"You have my word," Hua Ying said, "I am my parents son...half god, half ghost."

Lan Qiren nodded, "so you can handle resentful energy?" He asked.

"I can, but so can my A'Die. He is teaching me to control it. It's only a problem if I get angry," Hua Ying said.

"What happens then?" Lan Qiren asked.

"You might as well say that Hua Ying could be a fifth calamity," San Lang said, "storms, earthquakes, and floods."

Lan Qiren nodded, "well, hopefully we can help you out."

"I would appreciate it," Hua Ying said and looked at Wangji, "Lan Zhan has been helping me a lot too."

"That's good," Lan Qiren said happily.

The Red Prince: Hua YingWhere stories live. Discover now