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"It's so strange..." Hua Ying said quietly.

"What is?" Wangji asked.

"Since being inside the bunker, I've heard spirits but I have not seen them. As I am part ghost, I can naturally see spirits. I do not see any but I hear...one...and it's very faint...my A'Die would be more knowledgeable about this than me," Hua Ying said.

"You do not need to know everything because you are an immortal being," Wangji told him, "you are still young and you are learning what you can do as a god. He has also been around for a very long time, so of course he'd know more about this."

Hua Ying smirked as he took a couple steps towards Wangji. Wangji seemed surprised by his sudden reaction and was soon backed into a wall. Hua Ying placed his hands on either side of Wangji's head.

"Is there anything else you wish to tell me...maybe something I may already know again?" Hua Ying asked in a flirtatious tone.

"Let me go," Wangji told him.

"You are a strong man, make me let go," Hua Ying taunted.

Wangji acted quick and flipped them so he was pinning Hua Ying against the wall of the bunker, his body was pressed against Hua Ying's and Wangji had pinned his hands above his head.

"Now what?" Wangji asked, "I made you let go."

Hua Ying's heart was racing from the sudden closeness. Having a body against his in such an way, was new to him. It was also like his body was betraying him, as he could feel his lower stomach tighten and tingle, and his member was getting aroused.

What is happening to my body?

Lan Wangji stood there for a moment while he waited for Hua Ying to say something, but it looked like Hua Ying's brain stopped functioning momentarily. Wangji smiled as he let go of Hua Ying's hands and placed a kissed Hua Ying on the forehead before stepping back a few steps. Hua Ying just watched Wangji continue to walk through the bunker. He lingered a few paces behind as he was still trying to recover from that sudden heat wave of emotions and feelings he had just experienced.

Hua Ying suddenly stopped walking again, only this time, the loud screams and cries were so deafening to Hua Ying it made his ears ring and his head spin. He fell to his knees, holding onto his head.

"Lan Zhan!" Hua Ying cried out, "it's too loud!"

Lan Wangji quickly took out his guqin and began to play inquiry. He wanted to know the spirits wanted or what they had to say. He hoped it would help Hua Ying. The screaming randomly cut off and it grew quiet. Hua Ying let in a deep breath as he leaned back against the wall of the bunker.

"Anything?" Hua Ying asked.

"I only got one to answer," Wangji replied, "Male, around sixteen, from Lanling."

"Jin Ling?" Hua Ying asked.
Wangji nodded, "where would he be? We looked everywhere."

"In the wall," Wangji told him.

Hua Ying stood up and took out his fan. He sent out a gust of wind causing the wall to crumble onto the ground. Jin Ling was there, but there were several other unidentified bodies, all skeletons, beside him. Jin Ling was just barely alive. Wangji and Hua Ying managed to drag him out of the bunker.

"This kid, doesn't anyone look after him properly?" Hua Ying asked, "he is arrogant and so unruly. He doesn't listen and he goes after innocent people who mention Wei Wuxian's name."

"He spent half of his life with Jiang Wanyin at Yunmeng, and the other half, he was basically raised by Jin Guangyao," Wangji told him, "one scolds him constantly and the other spoils him to no end."

"So, in other words, he doesn't know the first manners, responsibility, or respect," Hua Ying said.

And it is all your fault you idiot. Shijie took that sword for you, and you go around acting like you are not Wei Ying. You can deny it all you want, Hua Ying, my life will always haunt yours.

"Shut up!" Hua Ying said standing, and a clap of thunder echoed in the distance.

Hua Ying was getting infuriated. Wei Ying, who lived in his head, was always pushing his buttons and taunting him. Hua Ying's rage is no joke. It could set train of tragic events within seconds if he loses control. Rivers flooding, earthquakes and creating a large trench of darkness if one were to fall in, and he could even cause such damage as setting a volcano off, destroying millions of lives all at once.

Lan Wangji was concerned as the weather started to change, the angrier Hua Ying got. Lightning struck nearby trees and harsh wind blew through the area. He needed to get Hua Ying to calm down so he could understand what happened. Before he had time to act, silver butterflies started to create a barrier around them, and Hua Cheng and Xie Lian arrived just in time.

"Ying'er!" Xie Lian called out, "remember who you are. Do not let anger consume you."

Hua Cheng stood right in front of Hua Ying and held his face in his hands, "hey, I need you to breathe. I need you to calm your mind before you hurt someone," Hua Cheng said.

"A'Die?" Hua Ying asked as he started to retreat from his anger, only to have tears fill his eyes, "it's not my fault right? It's my fault!"

"Shhh! What are you talking about?" Hua Cheng asked trying to get Hua Ying to calm down.

"I am Wei Wuxian...and I hurt so many people sixteen years ago...why did the gods want to bring me back? Why did they want to bring me back only to suffer more?!" Hua Ying said and fell into his father's arms, "I don't want this!"

"Hey," Xie Lian said taking Hua Ying from Hua Cheng and pulled him into his arms, "You are crown prince Hua Ying. Wei Wuxian died sixteen years ago, and a new person took his place, and that is you. You do not need to take what happened and place what he may or may not be blamed for on yourself. You are strong, and you are loved. You have so many people who are willing to help you through this. Wei Wuxian had that but he chose to push everyone aside. You are not that person....you are much more...confident and you do not put up with other people's bullshit."

"Since when do you curse?" Hua Ying asked with a giggle and wiped some tears away.

"Since now," Xie Lian said.

"Well, since you two are here, maybe you can help us figure this place out...it is to unbearable for me inside. There are so many spirits...screaming...but I could not see them. It was something new for me," Hua Ying explained.

"Your Baba and I can check it out," Hua Cheng said, "will you be okay?"

"Mnn," Hua Ying nodded.

"Hanguang Jun, I am sorry to ask, but can you try to keep him from losing control like that again?" Xie Lian Asked, "it does not happen often but when it does, everything turns to chaos really fast."

"I will watch over him," Wangji said, "though, we need to get Jin Ling back whoever he arrived in Qinghe with."

"My guess, it's Jiang Wanyin," Hua Ying said.

"You two take him back to town, we can check this place out and meet up with you later tonight," Xie Lian said.

"Okay," Hua Ying said with a nod.

The Red Prince: Hua YingWhere stories live. Discover now