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Hua Ying was one of the most powerful figures in all the realms, if not the most powerful. He was the only one of his kind, half god, half ghost. It seems to be impossible to be half and half, but if Hua Ying knew anything about the realms, he knew that anything is possible. Since being in Qinghe, Hua Ying has really dropped his guard and showed his most vulnerable self to Lan Wangji. Hua Ying's parents were the only two people who ever knew of this sensitive side to him. Hua Ying has his moments where he feels so vulnerable and fragile, anything could break him in just a few seconds.

Aside from his parents, he had not felt any other sense of comfort or safety from anyone. That is, until now. Hua Ying, was laying in the arms of a man who his past self had known, but his current self, knew almost nothing about. Though, laying down beside Lan Wangji, brought a sense of comfort and warmth to Hua Ying. It almost felt like...a home.

As Hua Ying was laying there, he felt something wrapped around his right hand. He opened his eyes to see part of Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon wrapped around his wrist. Hua Ying's heart started pounding in his chest and his breathing began to get heavy.

"The forehead ribbon is sacred to my clan. It means to regulate one self, and only parents, children or spouses can touch it," the sentence of the past rang in Hua Ying's ear.

He frantically but carefully tried to get his wrist untied from the ribbon but he ended up pulling it completely off Lan Wangji's head. Lan Wangji's eyes opened to the sudden tug on his forehead ribbon. He was about to scold Hua Ying for touching it but when he saw how frantic and terrified Hua Ying, he knew it would be a bad idea. Hua Ying also looked to have just woken as well so it would seem that it shocked even Hua Ying.

"Hanguang Jun, I'm so sorry...I know I'm not supposed to touch it but I woke up with it wrapped around my hand..don't yell at me, please!" Hua Ying said frantically.

For a man that could take out an entire sect all on his own, is a really big scaredy cat around me...I'm not going to hurt him. Hua Ying and Wei Ying are the same person, so he can touch it. I don't know why I was going to get upset when I do not need to be.

"A'Ying, it's alright, just try to calm down," Wangji told him. Hua Ying tried but he was still trembling, "let me help you get it off you."

Hua Ying hesitated for a moment before holding out his hand. Lan Wangji carefully unwrapped the forehead ribbon from around Hua Ying's hand, "there, it's off," Wangji said.

"Sorry," Hua Ying said.

"You know, for a powerful god, you are such a vulnerable man-child," Wangji told him.

"Man-child?" Hua Ying asked, "I am not!"

"Then why are you so afraid of me?" Wangji asked, "you acted as if I was going to kill you."

"Didn't you hate me back then?" Hua Ying asked.

"What?" Wangji asked.

"Didn't you hate me?" Hua Ying repeated.

"Is this Hua Ying or Wei Ying I'm talking to?"

"Hua Ying."

"Why did you ask me if I hated you back then?" Wangji asked.

"Don't you? Even Wei Ying?" Hua Ying questioned, "didn't you hate me or dislike me when we first met...both times?"

"I do not hate either of you," Wangji said, "I never did...now answer my question, why are you always so afraid of me?"

"You...are the first real friend I ever made since being Hua Ying," he said, "I don't want to ruin anything by doing something stupid...believe it or not, but Wei Ying's memories are coming and going through my head. He did not have a good life. Always putting on a smile when he was always suffering on the inside. After he gave up his golden core, was when he really lost everything. Having his memories...I know what loss and loneliness really feels like."

Lan Wangji was quite surprised. He was someone who never strived to make friends. Wei Wuxian had to work three times as hard just to get a simple 'Mnn,' from him. Hua Ying has his new parents, but he saw that he always had people with him or guarding him. Was Hua Ying always alone?

"You do not have to worry about losing me," Wangji assured him, "I made mistakes in the past that I can only fix by doing things right this time," Wangji looked at Hua Ying, "I will not do anything to you."

Hua Ying nodded, "by the way, your glares are a bit scary, has anyone told you that?"

"Yes," Wangji said, "my brother, and I will tell you want I told him...it is not my problem if others are scared of me."

"Do you ever get lonely?" Hua Ying asked, "I always saw you by yourself."

"Sometimes, but not all the time," Wangji answered.

"How about right now?" Hua Ying asked.

Lan Wangji smiled at Hua Ying and placed his hand on the back of his head, basically petting his head, "no, I find Hua Ying good company," he said.

Hua Ying's mind went blank the moment Wangji's hand was on his head. He felt his fingers swirling around his scalp lightly, and a chill ran down Hua Ying's back. Wangji watched as Hua Ying closed his eyes and leaned into his touch. It seemed to peak Wangji's interest.

Hua Ying finds this comforting. His hair is really soft. He is also very beautiful. Is Hua Ying my second chance?

Hua Ying soon laid down again and curled into Wangji's embrace. Lan Wangji knew that they had places to be, but he couldn't find it in himself to care at the moment. This was the first time he ever got to lounge around laying lazily in bed and holding someone he genuinely cared about.

The Red Prince: Hua YingWhere stories live. Discover now