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Later that evening, when everyone was settling inside their homes, Hua Ying dispersed into hundreds of his glowing crimson butterflies and ended up at his A'Die's home, Paradise Manor. Upon entering, Hua Cheng had just as well, returned not long before him. He and Xie Lian were patiently waiting for their son to come home so they could talk.

"Baba, A'Die," Hua Ying greeted.

"Hey sweetie," Xie Lian replied, "come sit."

The three moved to sit at the table. Hua Ying was unsure what he was to expect, "so you said in your message that you are not sure how you are connected to Wei Wuxian. Whether it is his soul is resting in you for the time being or you are him but just reborn," Xie Lian said, "the truth is, the heavens were greatly disturbed by how Wei Wuxian had been treated and died when he shouldn't have. Hua Cheng and I agreed to conceive a child and allow him to be reborn, live a better life. He would one day have his old memories back and know of the painful past he had. But Hua Ying, the reason Wei Wuxian is trying to communicate with you is because he is trying to become one with you finally. You just have to accept the truth first. You will always be our son and you will always be loved by us, no matter how hard you lived in the past. We just want you to be happy and healthy."

Hua Ying nodded, "I am him but reborn."

"That is why we named you Hua Ying, courtesy Hua Wuxian. As a way to tell you that you are part of our family but you were also once again reborn. The heavens gave you life again. They gave you a family that loves you conditionally and will always stick beside you. You have the Yang energy and the Yin energy. You are the one that was meant to restore peace to the realms," Hua Cheng explained.

Hua Ying nodded again, only this time he was crying, "then those crimes, all those people I once tried to save, Madam Jiang Yanli and her Husband Jin Zixuan...why bring me back knowing that this guilt could come back to haunt me?" He asked.

"It is not your fault," Xie Lian told him, "we showed you that. We have proof that it was never you who lost control. It was the people who wronged you...that is what killed your."

Hua Ying shook his head and stood up, "I am not him!" He yelled, "I am not Wei Wuxian."

"I am sorry, BaoBao (Darling), but it is the truth. We did not want to say so sooner because you are such a happy and positive boy. We did not want that to disappear," Xie Lian told him.

"How are you expecting me to feel about this?" Hua Yung asked loudly.

"We are going to help you through this, A'Ying, please believe that," Hua Cheng stated, "we know this is hard for you, but you remember how Gege and I were. Do you want to be the same?"

Hua Ying blinked a couple times. Tears streaming down his face. Thinking about how Lan Wangji must be feeling right now. He confessed to Lan Wangji a good amount of Wei Wuxian's secrets and he was very distraught about it all. Hua Ying felt so guilty about it but he also felt so good to be beside Lan Wangji. He knew that was a sign. He knew that was something he had to really consider. He was going to take a while to accept the truth of who he was.

He always thought of himself as Hua Ying, but now he was told he was Wei Ying. He was going to continue being called Hua Ying. He wants to continue being this person that he grew up being. In time, maybe he would come to terms with it, but he was denying it.

Hua Ying sighed, "I should get back to Cloud Recesses, I am a guest there at the moment. They want me to help them figure out what the deal is with this severed arm they found. It is looking for it's original body, apparently."

"Severed arm?" Hua Cheng asked, "I am guessing resentment is involved."

"Yes, I will keep you both informed. I will also contact Ling Wen if I need any additional information," Hua Ying said.

The Red Prince: Hua YingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant