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Just like that, his world was completely destroyed. A simple sharp edged sword that pierced a pure innocent heart, and the light that once filled his eyes, were completely gone. She took the sword for him, and it was for him alone. She was the sweetest person the world has ever known. Not a single person would ever try to fight him on that. Because of her, his struggles inside a place where he knew he did not belong, became less of an issue. He would ignore his pain for her and hide it from her because he hated seeing her worried. She was his shijie, but she had a mother's heart for him, and she used the last of her strength to help him. She, was Jiang Yanli.

Now his Shidi had more reasons to hate him, disown him, and throw him out like garbage. The rest of the clans thought it was okay to blame him for everything. Blame him for the fall of Lotus Pier, and for the death of Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan. Blame him for defecting from the rest of the cultivators for a group of so called "Wen Soldiers," when they were just elderly folks, Young men and women who had no cultivation, and one little boy who meant everything to him. That family was gone too.

Who was he? Wei Wuxian, the grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, the Yiling Patriarch, and the man who was said to be the more vial of all things.

Wei Wuxian snapped the neck of the cultivator who struck his shijie and took her life away. Wei Wuxian stood and took in all of the world's resentment towards him, and let it soak into his veins. He placed Chenqing to his lips, and played with all the power he had left.

No matter how many times he heard the man he once loved, tell him to stop, he did not. No matter who came close to him, they could not succeed. Even when he used so much energy that a metallic taste fills his mouth and blood spilled from his lips.

"Wei Wuxian is injured, get the Yin Hu Fu!" A man yelled.

"Yin Hu Fu?" Another yelled.

Wei Wuxian scoffed and jumped onto a stone pillar, "since you all want it so bad," he said taking out the amulet, "then try to get it with your own abilities!" He then tossed it out to the battlefield.

The amulet soaked up all the resentful energy within the air and burst into pieces, leaving everyone to fight for shards. Wei Wuxian laughed as well as cried as he watched all the greedy men fighting for something that was just scrap now.

"I've had enough," he thought and jumped to the cliff's ledge.

"Wei Ying!?" He heard that familiar, deep voice that once seemed so soothing. It no longer felt the same, he felt nothing for it anymore. He felt nothing at all. Just pain and sadness. He wanted this all to end.

"Wei Ying, come back to me," Lan Wangji begged, his eyes were wide and pleading in desperation.

Wei Wuxian did not listen as he closed his eyes and he took one last step back and began to fall. He then felt a hand grab his wrist. He opened his eyes to see Lan Wangji holding him as tightly as possible. His arm was wounded, and blood poured down his arm.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian said softly, "let me go."

Wei Wuxian's arm began to slip in his grip but Lan Wangji quickly adjusted, refusing to let him go. Just then, a sharp sword was in his peripherals, Sandu.

"Jiang Wanyin, stop it!" Lan Wangji demanded.

"Wei Wuxian, go to hell!" Jiang Wanyin yelled and pierced the side of the cliff.

Wei Wuxian said him starting to pry the rocks. If it broke, Lan Wangji would fall too. He quickly yanked his hand away, and fell into the darkness below.

"Lan Zhan!" Hua Ying shot up in his bed, panicked and breathless. His ears were ringing as he was starting to gain some memories again.

Lan Wangji's eyes opened quickly and sat up to look at Hua Ying. He looked like a mess, panting, trembling, crying, and curling up into a ball. Lan Wangji was confused but also concerned. He quickly got up out of his bed and lit a few candles as it was the middle of the night. He then went to sit beside Hua Ying.

"Hua Ying?" Lan Wangji asked calmly.

"No!" Hua Ying said panicking more and wrapped his arms around himself, "no, I can't, I can't! No!"

"Hua Ying!" Wangji said louder, "I am here. Can you look at me?" Hua Ying looked into Lan Wangji's golden eyes, "now try to focus on your breathing. It can help calm you down."

"I can't!" Hua Ying said shaking his head, "I...saw his memories once...but that dream...it was like it was so real...like it happened again!" Hua Ying looked at Lan Wangji again, "promise me I won't fall into that dark abyss again! Promise!"

"Again?" Wangji asked quietly.

"Lan Zhan, promise me!" Hua Ying said gripping the man's shoulders and basically shaking him.

"Hua Ying, I promise I won't let anything happen to you like that again," Wangji said, "you are not alone in this. I am here."

Hua Ying nodded as he rested his forehead to Wangji's shoulder and cried, "I'm sorry......"

"No need to apologize, A'Ying," Wangji said.

Hua Ying lifted his head, "A'Ying?"

"Is that okay?" Wangji asked.

Hua Ying nodded, "only people closest to me have ever called me A'Ying. I think it's okay if you did too...if I can call you A'Zhan?"

Lan Wangji smiled at him, "of course."

"Sorry I woke you," Hua Ying said, "you can try to go back to sleep. I probably won't be able to for a while because of the dream I had."

"Did..." Wangji began but stopped.

"What?" Hua Ying asked.

"Do you want me to lay with you?" Wangji asked, "I can hold you, comfort you."

Hua Ying blushed, "You would do that?"

"Mnn," Wangji nodded.

Just like that, Wangji crawled into bed beside him, and pulled him into his arms. Hua Ying couldn't remember the last time he felt this warm and comfortable. He smiled as he rested his head to Wangji's chest and placed his hands on either side of his head, gripping his robes. Wangji cooed at Hua Ying being this cute...he had to be mindful though, as Hua Ying was only sixteen, and Wangji was much older. He had to keep that in mind. At the moment, he couldn't bring himself to care as much as he was really comfortable holding him like this.

The Red Prince: Hua YingWhere stories live. Discover now