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Hua Ying laid in the bed beside Wangji as he slept. He would watch Wangji sleep peacefully as he clung onto Hua Ying's body. Hua Ying smiled at how much he had come to trust Wangji. He honestly did not expect for the two of them to reconcile or even get along. Hua Ying even thought Wangji would come to resent him for not being the true Wei Ying that he fell in love with all those years ago. Turns out, Wangji likes Hua Ying just as much, if not more. Hua Ying could hear footsteps just outside his room so he carefully got out of bed, tucked Wangji in a bit more, and put his mask on so he could check out who is outside his room door.

"So it is you," Hua Ying said leaving his room as he spotted Jiang Cheng. He saw Jiang Cheng a bit earlier when they had just left Jin Ling.

"You again," Jiang Cheng said, "now why are you wearing a mask? Afraid you'll shame yourself?"

"I just don't want to explain myself over and over again," Hua Ying said.

"What did you say your name was again?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"None of your business," Hua Ying said. He then saw his parents coming up the stairs behind Jiang Cheng, "Baba, A'Die!"

"A'Ying," Xie Lian greeting him as he pulled him into a hug.

"A'Ying?" Jiang Cheng asked, "As in Wei Ying?"

Hua Ying scoffed, "I am Hua Ying! Not Wei Ying."

"Then take off your mask," Jiang Cheng demanded.

"I do not have to take orders from you. As I rank over a lowly sect leader," Hua Ying said.

"Excuse me?!" Jiang Cheng asked furiously.

"You heard me," Hua Ying said, "I do not take orders from you."

"Then who did you take orders from?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"My parents, my advisers, my uncles," Hua Ying answered, "not low level people like you."

"Then let's fight and we will see who is lowly!" Jiang Cheng stated.

Hua Ying and his parents laughed, "you want to try to pick a fight with a god?" Hua Cheng asked Jiang Cheng, "Hua Ying is the son of me, Crimson Rain Sought Flower, Hua Cheng, a supreme ghost king, and heavenly martial emperor, god, Xie Lian. You think you can compete against a half ghost and half god?"

Jiang Cheng's face when pale white. He had no idea how he was going to get out of this mess, "fine, I have a nephew to tend to," He said and stormed off.

Hua Ying huffed out a chuckle before turning back to his parents, "I was actually hoping to speak with you both about some things...and have A'Die look at this evil curse mark on my leg."

"I thought I could sense something was off," Hua Cheng said, "let's talk inside the room." The three then went into the room. Wangji was still sleeping, so Xie Lian placed a bubble around him to keep him from getting disturbed by all the talking.

"Alright, let me see your leg, and you can tell us what is on your mind," Hua Cheng said.

Hua Ying nodded and sat beside him, allowing him to work, "all I ask is for you both not to get mad."

"Why would we be mad?" Xie Lian asked.

"Lan Zhan and I...kissed," Hua Ying confessed. Hua Ying's parents stared at him for a good moment. The room was completely silent and Hua Ying hated it. Silence was always something he hated, especially when it comes after him saying something so personal. He did not want to lose Lan Wangji, but he felt his parents had the right to know.

Hua Ying decided to break the awkward silence and speak his mind on the subject, "I...am actually wanting to ask if you could learn to accept him. I promise you that I won't do anything inappropriate or intimate with him...but he and I talked about a possible engagement..though I understand if you say no. I am finally coming to terms with me being Wei Ying but he accepts me as me. Not just because I gave his soul with me..."

"Hua Ying," Xie Lian said as he was able to cut him off, "your A'Die and I are happy for you both, but you are sixteen. He is twice your age...you'd have to wait at least two years before a marriage could even be possible...but..."

Hua Cheng saw a sadness in Hua Ying's eyes. He said that Hua Ying could see his parents disapproving of him and Wangji. Hua Cheng did not want that for his son. He knows the pain of what Wangji has been going through, waiting for someone you love, only for them to come back in such a youthful form.

"Ge," Hua Cheng said getting Xie Lian's full attention. He motioned his head to look at their son. Xie Lian could see what Hua Cheng could see.

The two sighed, "perhaps we can sit down with the two of you and work out some sort of agreement," Xie Lian suggested.

Hua Ying's face lit up, "really?" He asked.

"Your Baba and I know what it's like waiting for someone," Hua Cheng said, "we would hate to see you two in that situation too. We would have terms for the two of you of course, but you both would have to sign some sort of agreement that you would be by each other's side no matter what. That you'd have to marry at some point."

"Okay," Hua Ying said.

Hua Ying didn't know what sort of terms they were to make but he was happy that his parents were willing to compromise. He glanced over at Wangji. Seeing him sleep, remembering their lips together, and that warmth that he felt. He was nervous about what was to come, but he felt it was the best thing for them to do right now, especially with Hua Ying being so young.

The Red Prince: Hua YingWhere stories live. Discover now