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Hua Ying was picking at his food as he slowly ate. His head was flooded with memories from Wei Wuxian's life, and it was taking a toll on his mental state. Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji were worried about him. Hua Ying should be happy, carefree, and loved as he has always been. He was struggling inside and having this internal battle was tiring. Lan Xichen wanted to deal with Jin Guangyao as soon as possible.

"Hua Ying, is the food not to your liking?" Wangji asked.

"No, it tastes fine," Hua Ying said, "I am trying, believe me. When I am not in a good headspace, I don't eat much."

Wangji nodded, "I know you are trying, but do not push yourself."

Hua Ying let out a deep breath. Hua Ying managed to stomach a few more bites before he could no longer convince himself to eat. As he was eating, he remembered that when he was with is Baba, after the dog scare in Lanling, he found a title deed.

"Yunping?" Hua Ying whispered.

"What was that?" Wangji asked.

"When I was with Baba, when we found Chifeng Zun's head and Wei Wuxian's sword, there was a title deed with the head, it said Yunping City," Hua Ying said, "Do either of you know what that would be for? Why he would hide it with Wei Wuxian's treasures and Chifeng Zun?"

"I remember Yunping was where A'Yao's mother was from, but I need to look more into that to know for sure what he would have a title deed for," Xichen said.

"Maybe we can look into it together?" Hua Ying asked, "If we can figure this out sooner, that would be great...though I am not trying to rush this I am just..."

"Hua Ying," Xichen said taking his hand. Hua Ying looked at him, "We understand why you want to rush this, and we will get this solved. We do not want you to suffer through this anymore either. When your parents return, we can talk to them about the title deed."

Hua Ying nodded, "Okay," he said nonchalantly removing his hand from Xichen's. Lan Xichen didn't let it bother him. Hua Ying might now be one to like it when others touched him, though Hua Ying's parents were okay and so was Lan Wangji. Maybe there was more to his behavior. Whatever it was, Lan Xichen was not bothered by it. Lan Wangji didn't miss it, he found it nice that he pulled his hand back. Lan Xichen caught eyes with Wangji's and smirked as he knew what Wangji was thinking.

"Say it, I dare you," Xichen told him playfully.

Wangji pulled Hua Ying to his lap, "Mine," he said.

Lan Xichen sighed and rolled his eyes. Hua Ying sat there with a confused look on his face. He blinked a couple times before looking up and Wangji, "what is happening?" He asked.

"Hua Ying, Mine," Wangji said tightening his arms around Hua Ying's waist.

Hua Ying couldn't help but smile as his felt his face get flushed, and warm, "Lan Zhan," he whispered.

Wangji placed a kiss on Hua Ying's cheek, "I made you smile."

Hua Ying covered his face with his hands and groaned, "Lan Zhan!"

Lan Xichen smiled at the two being lovey-dovey. Wangji was doing a good job at distracting Hua Ying. It was exactly what Hua Ying needed. Lan Xichen gathered the dishes and left them alone. Hua Ying turned and wrapped his arms around Wangji, getting comfortable in his lap.

"Thank you," Hua Ying told him, "I needed this distraction."

"Mnn, anything for my Xiao Hua," Wangji says.

"Lanhua Gege," Hua Ying said and placed a kiss on Wangji's neck.

Wangji placed his hand on Hua Ying's side and squeezed, causing Hua Ying to squeal. Wangji pinned Hua Ying to the floor and continued his tickle fight. Hua Ying couldn't contain how much he was laughing.

"L-La-Lan!" He tried to talk but it was darn near impossible at the moment. He was in a fit of laughter and could barely breathe at the moment.

Lan Wangji stopped tickling him to let Hua Ying catch his breath. He got up and picked Hua Ying off the ground and moved to sit on the bed, cradling him in his lap. Hua Ying still kept giggling as he shoved his face into the crook of Wangji's neck.

"I love you so much," Hua Ying said. He was surprised he managed to say it all so calmly after that laugh attack he just had.

"I love you too, A'Ying, never forget that," Wangji said, "I know you are going through a lot right now but I am here for you."

"I know," Hua Ying said and sat up so he could speak to Wangji more face to face, "I am glad I ran into you...I was actually nervous about seeing you...before when we met at Dafan. I know how difficult your relationship was with Wei Wuxian so I was afraid to face you...to be honestly."

"I had the impression you'd have a lack of trust in not only me but in anyone," Wangji said.

"My parents told me that in order for me to get justice for Wei Wuxian and allow him to have peace, I needed to get past my hesitations. I even thought that at first Wei Wuxian was influencing how I feel about you, but I later found out that is not the case...it became clear from our conversation when we had our first kiss," Hua Ying said, "I want you to know, my feelings for you are very real."

"I know," Wangji said, "to me, you and Wei Ying are the same person. You look the same and act the same, you have the same morals, and you have the same values. I know what is to come when Wei Ying's name is cleared. Your souls will merge completely and Wei Ying will be at peace. You will not have to worry about suffering through this dual soul issue anymore."

Hua Ying nodded and placed a kiss on Wangji's cheek. It was his way of thanking Wangji, and Wangji got the message. Lan Wangji reciprocated by kissing him on the lips. Hua Ying melted into Wangji's lips, taking him the desire and love of it. Wangji only let the kiss linger for a moment before he pulled away and kissed his forehead. He then leaned back against the headboard of the bed as he cuddled with Hua Ying.

The Red Prince: Hua YingWhere stories live. Discover now