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"Hua Ying, as you agreed to help, why don't I escort you to your guest quarters?" Lan Xichen asked.

"Very well, and if I find out the information I shared with you today is leaked out into the public, it will not end well for you," Hua Ying said, "I do not want to be blamed for Wei Wuxian and I do not want to drive any more issues into this sect with other sects."

"No need to make threats, Hua Ying, I promise you, I will not share anything you told me to anyone," Lan Xichen said.

"Good," Hua Ying said and stood up, "if it is alright, can I go rest for a bit? I did a lot of traveling recently...I'd hate to be imposing."

"No need, I figured you might be tired from your journey. Come, I will escort you," Xichen said.

Hua Ying nodded and followed Lan Xichen out. He led Hua Ying further into Cloud Recesses until they reached a more secluded location. The house that Xichen lead him to was a fairly decent size for one person. It could fit two people if needed. The house was surrounded by Bamboo and had a large Magnolia tree in the back yard.

"This is nice," Hua Ying said, "Péiyǎng shì (Cultivation Chambers/Cultivation House)."

"It is a bit more secluded so you can have your privacy. Wangji's residence is just up the road from here. Mine is closer to the Main Courtyard. I will come by a bit later this evening to see if you want to join us at the dinning hall," Lan Xichen said.

"I would like to join you," Hua Ying said, "if I am asleep, I will get something later."

"Very well," Xichen said, "I have a meeting to get to in Lanling in the morning. I with inform my brother and uncle that you are here in case you need anything."

"Okay," Hua Ying said.

"Hope you enjoy your stay," Lan Xichen said and left Hua Ying to settle in.

Hua Ying sighed as he closed the door behind him. Some robes he had stored in Niepan (Nirvana/his neckline), he took out and put into the closet. He then made himself more at him by getting out his own personal bedding. The bedding that was currently used, was properly folded and put away for later. Hua Ying then took the time to add a permanent privacy ward around his place. People were able to come and go, but it would keep nose from leaving the house, and it would also give an illusion of him not being in if he wanted to roam the house with his mask off. He was just about settled when he saw Lan Wangji walking by. He was heading towards the direction Lan Xichen said Wangji's residence was located.

Hua Ying pulled a sly grin and opened the door to his place, "Hanguang Jun, fancy seeing you here!" He yelled to him.

Lan Wangji stopped in his tracks and turned to Hua Ying, "yelling is forbidden in Cloud Recesses," Lan Wangji said, "how did you get here? Why are you here?"

"You wanted me here, remember?" Hua Ying answered, "don't you have questions?"

"Many," Lan Wangji said.

"Care to come in?" Hua Ying offered as he stepped aside in the doorway.

Lan Wangji was hesitant but he was curious about this boy and who he was exactly. So, he decided to take this chance to find out. Lan Wangji entered to see that Hua Ying was quite settled in already. It made him wonder just how long Hua Ying had been here. He turned to Hua Ying who just shut the door behind him and turned to Wangji.

"I can start some tea if you like, I am guessing you have a lot of questions," Hua Ying suggested, "that doesn't mean I will answer but I might be willing depending on the question."

Lan Wangji nodded. Hua Ying smiled at him as the two sat at the nearby table. Hua Ying had just started heating the water for tea.

"Are you going to be honest and tell me how you know that song?" Wangji asked.

"I was honest, I heard it in a dream," Hua Ying answered, "you think I am him, don't you?"

"I have my suspicions...if you are him, you do not have to worry about hiding from me. I will not harm you and I will not let you fight alone again," Lan Wangji told him.

Hua Ying sighed, "I am not him...but the day I was born, his wondering soul came into contact with me. His soul lies with me. I am not him but he is technically with me."

Lan Wangji blinked, "why?"

"He died unjustly. His soul will not be at peace until his name is cleared of the crimes he did not commit," Hua Ying said, "my parents are always telling me that we are one being now and I have some of his memories but I cannot say that I am him. I cannot until I know exactly what is happening with Wei Wuxian's soul inside me. If he is me, and is just him reborn, I don't know if I can guarantee you anything, Hanguang Jun."

"So...who are you?" Lan Wangji asked, "and the mask?"

"I wear the mask because my parents saw a portrait of Wei Wuxian and we have similar facial features. If I walk around here without this mask, I will not be able to clear his name," Hua Ying answered and slowly removed the mask.

Lan Wangji was baffled by the similarities. He has only been around Hua Ying once, and from what he has experienced, Hua Ying is way more confident and mischievous and shameless than Wei Wuxian and ever was. There was also that he is basically the same age as how old Wei Wuxian was when he died. He was around sixteen when he died and Hua Ying was sixteen. Wangji could sense the similarities in that Hua Ying stands for justice and will do anything to make sure the right thing happens.

"So, you have parents?" Wangji asked.

Hua Ying smiled, "I do, I am Hua Ying, The Red Prince of the three realms. My Baba, is the Heavenly martial god and Emperor, Xie Lian. My A'Die is Hua Cheng, a supreme ghost king that goes by the name, Crimson Rain Sought Flower. The reason my abilities are so strong is because I was born half god and half ghost. I am what will be the balance between Yin and Yang."

Wangji blinked a couple times, "Prince?"

"No need to bow or pay respects, I do not care for formalities," Hua Ying said, "and I want you to know, I will figure out what is going on with this soul of Wei Wuxian's...he is kind of annoying sometimes as he has a habit of taking over my mind occasionally."

Lan Wangji felt that was a bit odd, If Wei Ying's soul resides in Hua Ying, and was given to him when Hua Ying was born, Hua Ying must be Wei Ying. If he is Wei Ying but reborn, I will try to find out. In the meantime, I should try to find a way to help Hua Ying as much as I can. Lan Wangji felt overwhelmed. He knew that he needed to figure this out just as much as Hua Ying does, but how can he when he has no idea where to begin.

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